import $ from 'jquery';
import * as TBApi from '../tbapi.ts';
import * as TBCore from '../tbcore.js';
import * as TBHelpers from '../tbhelpers.js';
import TBListener from '../tblistener.js';
import {Module} from '../tbmodule.jsx';
import * as TBStorage from '../tbstorage.js';
import * as TBui from '../tbui.js';
const self = new Module({
name: 'Queue Tools',
id: 'QueueTools',
enabledByDefault: true,
settings: [
id: 'showActionReason',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
'Show previously taken actions next to submissions. Based on the last 500 actions in the subreddit modlog',
id: 'expandActionReasonQueue',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Automatically expand the mod action table in queues',
id: 'expandReports',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Automatically expand reports on mod pages.',
id: 'queueCreature',
type: 'selector',
values: ['kitteh', 'puppy', '/r/babyelephantgifs', '/r/spiderbros', 'piggy', 'i have no soul'],
default: 'kitteh',
description: 'Queue Creature',
id: 'subredditColor',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Add a border to items in the queue with color unique to the subreddit name.',
id: 'subredditColorSalt',
type: 'text',
default: 'PJSalt',
description: 'Text to randomly change the subreddit color',
advanced: true,
hidden: async () => !await self.get('subredditColor'),
id: 'showReportReasons',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
beta: false,
description: 'Add button to show reports on posts with ignored reports.',
// Old reddit specific settings go below.
id: 'autoActivate',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Automatically activate mass queuetools on queue pages.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'highlightNegativePosts',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Highlight posts with a score of 0.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'hideActionedItems',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Hide items after mod action.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'showAutomodActionReason',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
description: 'Show the action reason from automoderator below submissions and comments.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'linkToQueues',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
description: 'Link to subreddit queue on mod pages.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'reportsOrder',
type: 'selector',
advanced: true,
values: ['age', 'edited', 'removed', 'score', 'reports'],
default: 'age',
'Sort by. Note that "edited" and "removed" includes the post time if there is no edit or removal time.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'reportsThreshold',
type: 'number',
advanced: true,
min: 0,
max: null,
step: 1,
default: 0,
description: 'Reports threshold.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'reportsAscending',
type: 'boolean',
advanced: true,
default: false,
description: 'Sort ascending.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'botCheckmark',
type: 'list',
default: ['AutoModerator'],
`Make bot approved checkmarks have a different look <img src="data:image/png;base64,${TBui.iconBot}">. Bot names should be entered separated by a comma without spaces and are case sensitive.`,
oldReddit: true,
id: 'highlightAutomodMatches',
type: 'boolean',
default: true,
beta: false,
'Highlight words in Automoderator report and action reasons which are enclosed in []. Can be used to highlight automod regex matches.',
oldReddit: true,
id: 'groupCommentsOnModPage',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
advanced: true,
description: 'Group comments by their parent submission when viewing mod listings.',
oldReddit: true,
}, init);
self.queuetoolsOld = function ({
}) {
const $body = $('body');
// var SPAM_REPORT_SUB = 'spam', QUEUE_URL = '';
let QUEUE_URL = '';
if (linkToQueues) {
if (TBCore.isModQueuePage) {
QUEUE_URL = 'about/modqueue/';
} else if (TBCore.isUnmoderatedPage) {
QUEUE_URL = 'about/unmoderated/';
const $noResults = $body.find('p#noresults');
if (TBCore.isModpage && queueCreature !== 'i_have_no_soul' && $noResults.length > 0) {
if (queueCreature === 'puppy') {
} else if (queueCreature === 'kitteh') {
} else if (queueCreature === '/r/babyelephantgifs') {
} else if (queueCreature === '/r/spiderbros') {
} else if (queueCreature === 'piggy') {
async function colorSubreddits () {
const $this = $(this);
const subredditName = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName($this.find('a.subreddit').text());
const isMod = await TBCore.isModSub(subredditName);
if (!isMod) {
const colorForSub = TBHelpers.stringToColor(subredditName + subredditColorSalt);
$this.attr('style', `border-left: solid 3px ${colorForSub} !important`);
if (subredditColor) {
self.log('adding sub colors');
// Negative post highlighting
function highlightBadPosts () {
const $this = $(this);
let score = $this.find('.likes .score.likes, .unvoted .score.unvoted, .dislikes .score.dislikes').text();
score = /\d+/.test(score) ? parseInt(score) : 1; // If the score is still hidden, we'll assume it's fine
if (score > 0) {
if (highlightNegativePosts && TBCore.isModpage) {
// NER for these things.
window.addEventListener('TBNewThings', () => {
if (subredditColor) {
self.log('adding sub colors (ner)');
if (highlightNegativePosts && TBCore.isModpage) {
self.log('adding zero-score highlights');
if (TBCore.isModpage && highlightAutomodMatches) {
// Add modtools buttons to page.
function addModtools () {
let listingOrder = reportsOrder;
let allSelected = false;
let sortAscending = reportsAscending;
const numberRX = /-?\d+/;
const viewingspam = !!location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(spam|trials)/);
const viewingreports = !!location.pathname.match(/\/about\/reports/);
const EXPAND_TITLE = 'expand reports';
const COLLAPSE_TITLE = 'collapse reports';
if (viewingspam && listingOrder === 'reports') {
listingOrder = 'removed';
// Get rid of promoted links & thing rankings
// remove stuff we can't moderate (in non-mod queues only)
function removeUnmoddable () {
if (!TBCore.isModpage && !TBCore.isSubCommentsPage) {
$('.thing').each(async function () {
const $thing = $(this);
const $sub = $thing.find('.subreddit');
// Remove if the sub isn't moderated
if ($sub.length > 0) {
const sub = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName($sub.text());
const isMod = await TBCore.isModSub(sub);
if (!isMod) {
} else if ($thing.find('.parent').text().endsWith('[promoted post]')) {
// Always remove things like sponsored links (can't mod those)
// Make visible any collapsed things (stuff below /prefs/ threshold)
$('.entry .collapsed:visible a.expand:contains("[+]")').click();
// Add checkboxes, tabs, menu, etc
<div class="modtools-duplicate" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"></div>
<div class="menuarea modtools" style="padding: 5px 0;margin: 5px 0;top: 0px">
<input style="margin:5px;float:left" title="Select all/none" type="checkbox" id="select-all" title="select all/none"/>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button invert inoffensive" accesskey="I" title="invert selection">invert</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button open-expandos inoffensive" title="toggle all expando boxes">[+]</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button inoffensive select"> [select...]</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button inoffensive unhide-selected" accesskey="U">unhide all</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button inoffensive hide-selected" accesskey="H">hide selected</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-general-button inoffensive toggle-reports" >${EXPAND_TITLE}</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action negative" accesskey="S" type="negative" tabindex="3">spam selected</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action neutral" accesskey="R" type="neutral" tabindex="4">remove selected</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action positive" accesskey="A" type="positive" tabindex="5">approve selected</a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action ignore" accesskey="G" type="ignore" tabindex="6">ignore reports on selected</a>
? ''
: `<span><a><label for="modtab-threshold">Report threshold: </label><input id="modtab-threshold" type="number" min="0" value="${reportsThreshold}" /></a></span>`
<span class="dropdown-title lightdrop" style="float:right"> sort:
<div class="tb-dropdown lightdrop">
<span class="selected sortorder">${listingOrder}</span>
<div class="tb-drop-choices lightdrop sortorder-options">
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">age</a>
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">edited</a>
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">removed</a>
${viewingspam ? '' : '<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">reports</a>'}
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">score</a>
const $closePopup = () => {};
$body.on('click', '', function (event) {
// close popup if it exists
const $this = $(this);
const $overlay = $this.closest('.tb-page-overlay');
const positions = TBui.drawPosition(event);
let $appendTo;
if ($overlay.length) {
$appendTo = $overlay;
} else {
$appendTo = $('body');
const popupSelectContent = `
<div class="lightdrop select-options">
? ''
: `<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice inoffensive" name="banned" /> shadow-banned</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice inoffensive" name="filtered"/> spam-filtered</label></p>
? ''
: '<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice inoffensive" name="reported"/> reported</label></p>'
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="comments" /> comments</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="links" /> submissions</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="self" /> text posts</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="flair" /> posts with flair</label></p>
<p class="divider"><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="domain" placeholder="domain..." /></p>
<p><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="user" placeholder="user..." /></p>
<p><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="title" placeholder="title..." /></p>
<p><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="subreddit" placeholder="subreddit..." /></p>
<h2 class="divider">Conditional</h2>
<p><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="pointsgt" placeholder="points >..." /></p>
<p><input type="text" class="choice tb-input" name="pointslt" placeholder="points <..." /></p>
<h2 class="divider">Acted on</h2>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice dashed" name="spammed"/> [ spammed ]</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="removed" /> [ removed ]</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="approved" /> [ approved ]</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="ignored" /> [ reports ignored ]</label></p>
<p><label><input type="checkbox" class="choice" name="actioned" /> [ actioned ]</label></p>
title: 'Select items',
tabs: [
title: 'Tab1',
tooltip: 'NA',
content: popupSelectContent,
footer: TBui.actionButton('Select items', 'select-queue-tools'),
cssClass: 'queuetools-select-popup',
draggable: true,
left: positions.leftPosition,
top: positions.topPosition,
display: 'block',
$body.on('click', '.tb-dropdown:not(.active)', e => {
const $element = $(e.currentTarget);
$element.siblings('.tb-drop-choices').not('.inuse').css('top', `${e.offsetHeight}px`).each(function () {
$(this).css('left', `${$element.position().left}px`).css(
`${$element.height() + $element.position().top}px`,
$body.on('click', () => {
// Check if the tab menu exists and create it if it doesn't
$(', .thing.comment').prepend(
'<input type="checkbox" tabindex="1" style="margin:5px;float:left;" />',
$('.buttons .pretty-button').attr('tabindex', '2');
// add class to processed threads.
const $things = $('.thing');
if (expandReports) {
const $toggleReports = $('.toggle-reports');
// Add context & history stuff TODO: Figure out what the hell this did. History has been moved to historybutton though.
// $body.append('<div class="pretty-button inline-content" style="z-index:9999;display:none;position:absolute;line-height:12px;min-width:100px"/>');
// $('#siteTable .comment .flat-list.buttons:has( a:contains("parent"))').each(function () {
// $(this).prepend('<li><a class="context" href="' + $(this).find('.first .bylink').attr('href') + '?context=2">context</a></li>');
// });
// Fix the position of the modtools. We do it like this so we can support custom css
const $modtoolsMenu = $body.find('.menuarea.modtools');
const $modtoolsMenuDuplicate = $body.find('.modtools-duplicate');
const offset = $modtoolsMenu.offset();
const offsetTop =;
const offsetSticky = offset.left;
const rightPosition = $('.side').outerWidth() + 10;
'margin-right': `${rightPosition}px`,
'margin-left': '5px',
'left': '0',
'margin-top': '0',
'position': 'relative',
'padding-top': '9px',
let frame = null;
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
let position = 'relative';
const modtoolsHeight = $modtoolsMenu.outerHeight(true);
if (frame) {
if (window.scrollY + offsetSticky > offsetTop) {
position = 'fixed';
} else {
position = 'relative';
frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
left: position === 'fixed' ? offsetSticky : 0,
right: position === 'fixed' ? offsetSticky : 0,
top: position === 'fixed' ? offsetSticky : 0,
display: position === 'fixed' ? 'block' : 'none',
height: modtoolsHeight,
// // Button actions ////
// Select thing when clicked
const noAction = ['A', 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'BUTTON', 'IMG'];
$body.on('click', '.thing .entry', function (e) {
if (noAction.indexOf( + 1) {
self.log('thing selected.');
// NB: the reason both the above method and the next one use .click() instead of .prop() is so they act as a toggle
// when the report button is pressed. See
// This way, if it was already checked by the user, the following call will re-check it. If it wasn't
// the following call will uncheck it.
$body.on('click', '.reported-stamp', function () {
self.log('reports selected.');
// Change sort order
$('.sortorder-options a').click(function () {
const $sortOrder = $('.sortorder');
const order = $(this).text();
const toggleAsc = order === $sortOrder.text();
if (toggleAsc) {
sortAscending = !sortAscending;
self.set('reportsAscending', sortAscending);
self.set('reportsOrder', order);
sortThings(order, sortAscending);
// Invert all the things.
$('.invert').click(() => {
$('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]').click();
// Select / deselect all the things
$('#select-all').click(function () {
$('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', allSelected = this.checked);
$body.on('click', '.thing input[type=checkbox]', () => {
const checks = $('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]');
const selected = checks.filter(':checked').length;
allSelected = !checks.not(':checked').length;
indeterminate: !!selected && !allSelected,
checked: allSelected,
// Select/deselect certain things
$body.on('click', '.select-queue-tools', () => {
// reset
const $things = $('.thing:visible');
const $selectOptions = $('.select-options input').filter((_, el) =>
el.type === 'checkbox' && el.checked || el.type === 'text' && el.value.length
$things.find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
function selectThings () {
const $this = $(this);
let shouldSelect = null;
$selectOptions.each((_, el) => {
let selector = '';
let min;
let max;
switch ( {
case 'banned':
selector = '.banned-user';
case 'filtered':
selector = '.spam:not(.banned-user)';
case 'reported':
selector = ':has(.reported-stamp)';
case 'spammed':
selector =
case 'removed':
selector =
case 'approved':
selector =
case 'ignored':
selector = ':has(.pretty-button.pressed[data-event-action*="ignorereports"])'; // could be "ignorereports" or "unignorereports", hence the *=
case 'actioned':
selector =
case 'domain':
selector = `:has(.domain:contains(${el.value.toLowerCase()}))`;
case 'user':
selector = `:has(.author:contains(${el.value}))`;
case 'title':
selector = `:has(a.title:contains(${el.value}))`;
case 'subreddit':
selector = `:has(a.subreddit:contains(${el.value}))`;
case 'comments':
selector = '.comment';
case 'links':
selector = '.link';
case 'self':
selector = '.self';
case 'flair':
selector = ':has(.linkflairlabel)';
case 'pointsgt':
min = parseInt(el.value);
selector = (_, el) => $(el).find('.score.unvoted').attr('title') > min;
case 'pointslt':
max = parseInt(el.value);
selector = (_, el) => $(el).find('.score.unvoted').attr('title') < max;
shouldSelect = $;
return shouldSelect !== false;
return shouldSelect;
$things.filter(selectThings).find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true);
$('.hide-selected').click(() => {
$('.thing input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
$('.unhide-selected').click(() => {
// Expand reports on click.
$('.toggle-reports').click(function () {
const $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('expanded')) {
} else {
// Mass spam/remove/approve/ignore
$('.pretty-button.action').click(function () {
const approve = this.type === 'positive';
const spam = !approve && this.type === 'negative';
const ignore = this.type === 'ignore';
// Apply action
const $actioned = $('.thing:visible > input:checked').parent().each(function () {
const id = $(this).attr('data-fullname');
if (approve) {
TBApi.approveThing(id).then(() => {
} else if (ignore) {
} else {
TBApi.removeThing(id, spam);
$actioned.css('opacity', '1');
$actioned.removeClass('flaired spammed removed approved');
$actioned.addClass(approve ? 'approved' : spam ? 'spammed' : 'removed');
if (hideActionedItems) {
// menuarea pretty-button feedback.
$('.menuarea.modtools .pretty-button').click(function () {
$(this).clearQueue().addClass('pressed').delay(200).queue(function () {
// Uncheck anything we've taken an action, if it's checked.
$body.on('click', '.pretty-button', function () {
const $this = $(this);
const $thing = $this.closest('.thing');
$thing.find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
if (hideActionedItems) {
self.log('hiding item');
} else if ($this.hasClass('negative')) {
$thing.removeClass('removed approved');
} else if ($this.hasClass('neutral')) {
$thing.removeClass('spammed approved');
} else if ($this.hasClass('positive')) {
$thing.removeClass('removed spammed');
// Set reports threshold (hide reports with less than X reports)
$('#modtab-threshold').on('input', function (e) {
const threshold = +$(this).val();
if (isNaN(threshold)) {
self.set('reportsThreshold', threshold);
const $allThings = $('.thing');
function setThreshold (things) {
const threshold = reportsThreshold;'.reported-stamp').text(function (_, str) {
if (str.match(/\d+/) < threshold) {
// treat modqueue entries without .reported-stamp as 0 reports
if (threshold > 0) {
if (!viewingspam) {
function replaceSubLinks () {
const $this = $(this).find('a.subreddit');
const href = $this.attr('href') + QUEUE_URL;
$this.attr('href', href);
if (linkToQueues && QUEUE_URL) {
// NER support.
window.addEventListener('TBNewThings', () => {
self.log('proc new things');
const things = $('.thing').not('.mte-processed');
// Toggle all expando boxes
let expandosOpen = false;
$('.open-expandos').on('click', () => {
if (!expandosOpen) {
self.log('expanding all expandos.');
$('.expando-button.collapsed').each(function (index) {
const $button = $(this);
const $checkBox = $button.closest('.thing').find('input[type=checkbox]');
setTimeout(() => {
$checkBox.prop('checked', false);
}, index * 1000);
expandosOpen = true;
} else {
self.log('collapsing all expandos.');
$('.expando-button.expanded').each(function () {
const $button = $(this);
const $checkBox = $button.closest('.thing').find('input[type=checkbox]');
$checkBox.prop('checked', false);
expandosOpen = false;
// Process new things loaded by RES or flowwit.
function processNewThings (things) {
// Expand reports on the new page, we leave the ones the user might already has collapsed alone.
if (expandReports) {
// add class to processed threads.
`<input type="checkbox" tabindex="2" style="margin:5px;float:left;"${allSelected ? ' checked' : ''} />`,
).find('.collapsed:visible a.expand:contains("[+]")').click().end().find('.userattrs').end().find(
).filter('.comment').find('.flat-list.buttons:has( a:contains("parent"))').each(function () {
`<li><a class="context" href="${
$(this).find('.first .bylink').attr('href')
if (expandosOpen) {
if (!viewingspam) {
if (linkToQueues && QUEUE_URL) {
// Remove rate limit for expandos,removing,approving
const rate_limit = window.rate_limit;
window.rate_limit = function (action) {
if (action === 'expando' || action === 'remove' || action === 'approve') {
return !1;
return rate_limit(action);
// sort sidebars
if (TBCore.isModFakereddit) {
$('.sidecontentbox:has(.subscription-box) > .title').append(
' <a href="javascript:;" class="tb-sort-subs">sort by items</a>',
$body.on('click', '.tb-sort-subs', () => {
let prefix = '';
let page = '';
if (TBCore.isUnmoderatedPage) {
self.log('sorting unmod');
prefix = 'umq-';
page = 'unmoderated';
} else if (TBCore.isModQueuePage) {
self.log('sorting mod queue');
prefix = 'mq-';
page = 'modqueue';
} else {
self.log('sorting queue sidebar');
const $sortButton = $('.tb-sort-subs');
$sortButton.css({'padding-left': '17px', 'padding-right': '16px'});
const now = TBHelpers.getTime();
// delay = 0,
const modSubs = [];
TBui.longLoadNonPersistent(true, 'Getting subreddit items...', TBui.FEEDBACK_NEUTRAL);
$('.subscription-box a.title'),
elem => {
const $elem = $(elem);
const sr = $elem.text();
TBStorage.getCache('QueueTools', `${prefix + TBApi.getCurrentUser()}-${sr}`, '[0,0]').then(
cacheData => {
const data = JSON.parse(cacheData);
`Getting items for: ${sr}`,
// Update count and re-cache data if more than an hour old.
`<a href="${`/r/${sr}/about/${page}`)}" count="${
}" class="tb-subreddit-item-count">${data[0]}</a>`,
if (now > data[1]) {
function updateModqueueCount (sr) {
TBApi.getJSON(`/r/${sr}/about/${page}.json?limit=100`).then(d => {
const items =;
self.log(` subreddit: ${sr} items: ${items}`);
`${prefix + TBApi.getCurrentUser()}-${sr}`,
`[${items},${new Date().valueOf()}]`,
$(`.subscription-box a[href$="/r/${sr}/about/${page}"]`).text(,
() => {
window.setTimeout(sortSubreddits, 2000); // wait for final callbacks
TBui.longLoadNonPersistent(false, 'Sorting sidebar...', TBui.FEEDBACK_NEUTRAL);
$sortButton.html('sort by items');
$sortButton.css({'padding-left': '', 'padding-right': ''});
function sortSubreddits () {
const subs = $('.subscription-box li').sort((a, b) =>
b.lastChild.textContent - a.lastChild.textContent
|| +(a.firstChild.nextSibling.textContent.toLowerCase()
> b.firstChild.nextSibling.textContent.toLowerCase())
|| -1
// This method is evil and breaks shit if it's called too early.
function sortThings (order, asc) {
const $sitetable = $('#siteTable');
const things = $('#siteTable .thing').sort((a, b) => {
let A;
let B;
if (asc) {
A = a;
B = b;
} else {
A = b;
B = a;
// Note: for default timestamps `live-timestamp` would be the proper class but this can't always be relied on.
const defaultTimestampSelector = '.tagline time:not(.edited-timestamp):first';
const editedTimestampSelector = 'time.edited-timestamp:first';
const $A = $(A);
const $B = $(B);
switch (order) {
case 'age':
default: // just in case
const timeA = new Date($A.find(defaultTimestampSelector).attr('datetime')).getTime();
const timeB = new Date($B.find(defaultTimestampSelector).attr('datetime')).getTime();
return timeA - timeB;
case 'edited': {
const $aEditElement = $A.find(editedTimestampSelector).length
? $A.find(editedTimestampSelector)
: $A.find(defaultTimestampSelector);
const $bEditElement = $B.find(editedTimestampSelector).length
? $B.find(editedTimestampSelector)
: $B.find(defaultTimestampSelector);
const timeEditA = new Date($aEditElement.attr('datetime')).getTime();
const timeEditB = new Date($bEditElement.attr('datetime')).getTime();
return timeEditA - timeEditB;
case 'removed': {
const $aRemoveElement = $A.find('li[title^="removed at"]').length
? $A.find('li[title^="removed at"]')
: $A.find(defaultTimestampSelector);
const $bRemoveElement = $B.find('li[title^="removed at"]').length
? $B.find('li[title^="removed at"]')
: $B.find(defaultTimestampSelector);
let timeRemoveA;
let timeRemoveB;
if ($'time')) {
timeRemoveA = $aRemoveElement.attr('datetime');
} else {
timeRemoveA = $aRemoveElement.attr('title');
timeRemoveA = timeRemoveA.replace('removed at ', '');
if ($'time')) {
timeRemoveB = $bRemoveElement.attr('datetime');
} else {
timeRemoveB = $bRemoveElement.attr('title');
timeRemoveB = timeRemoveB.replace('removed at ', '');
const timeStampRemoveA = new Date(timeRemoveA).getTime();
const timeStampRemoveB = new Date(timeRemoveB).getTime();
return timeStampRemoveA - timeStampRemoveB;
case 'score': {
const scoreA = $A.find('.score:visible').attr('title');
const scoreB = $B.find('.score:visible').attr('title');
// implicit conversion string to number
return scoreA - scoreB;
case 'reports': {
const reportsA = $A.find('.reported-stamp').text().match(numberRX);
const reportsB = $B.find('.reported-stamp').text().match(numberRX);
return reportsA - reportsB;
// Re-group things every time the page is re-sorted
if (TBCore.isModpage && groupCommentsOnModPage) {
sortThings(listingOrder, sortAscending);
// After things are sorted in the proper order, we can group them by
// thread. this function is a bit of a mess
// TODO: fix that
function groupThings () {
const threadGroups = {};
const threadIDs = []; // because who needs Object.keys() anyway
// Sorting leaves behind the extra wrappers, so clean them up
$('.sitetable .tb-comment-group').remove();
// Save a copy of each link/comment and record its parent thread ID
$('.sitetable .thing').each(function () {
const $thing = $(this);
let threadID;
if ($thing.hasClass('comment')) {
// Find ID of the parent submission from title URL
threadID =
$thing.find('.flat-list.buttons .first a').attr('href').match(/\/comments\/([a-z0-9]+)\//)[1];
} else {
// I am the parent submission, so get my own ID
// TBCore.getThingInfo() is overkill here
threadID = $thing.attr('data-fullname').replace('t3_', '');
// Only record thread IDs once each
if (threadIDs.indexOf(threadID) < 0) {
// Store the element itself so we can move it around later
if (!threadGroups[threadID]) {
threadGroups[threadID] = [];
// Create wrapper elements for each thread ID. Each wrapper will
// contain all the comments on a link, and maybe the link itself.
// TODO: Using wrappers is probably a bad call unless we want to
// give groups custom CSS
threadIDs.forEach(id => {
// Each wrapper will contain all the things associated with
// a single submission, including the submission itself
const $wrapper = $('<div>').addClass('tb-comment-group').attr('data-id', id);
// Loop through each thing associated with the submission
threadGroups[id].forEach(item => {
// Add the thing to this wrapper
// Visual separation
$wrapper.append($('<hr />'));
if (
$body.hasClass('listing-page') || $body.hasClass('comments-page') || $body.hasClass('search-page')
|| TBCore.isModpage && (!TBCore.post_site || TBCore.isMod)
) {
$('<li class="tb-queuetools-tab"><a href="javascript:;" accesskey="M" class="modtools-on">queue tools</a></li>')
// Add mod tools or mod tools toggle button if applicable
if (TBCore.isModpage && autoActivate) {
// Show automod action reasons
// Highlight trigger words, do the same for reports
// Regex is used in multiple functions
const regexMatchFinder = /\[(.*?)\]/g;
const highlightEnabled = TBStorage.getSetting('Comments', 'highlighted', []);
function getAutomodActionReason (sub) {
TBApi.getJSON(`/r/${sub}/about/log/.json?limit=500&mod=AutoModerator`).then(json => {
TBStorage.purifyObject(json); => {
const actionReasonText =;
const targetFullName =;
$body.find(`.thing[data-fullname="${targetFullName}"]>.entry`).after(`<div class="action-reason">
<b>Automod action:</b> ${actionReasonText}
<br><a href="${sub}&subject=Automoderator second opinion&message=I would like a second opinion about something automod filtered
Url: ${} %0A %0A
Action reason: ${}
" target="_blank">ask for a second opinion in modmail</a> </div>`);
if (highlightAutomodMatches) {
let matches;
const matchesArray = [];
while ((matches = regexMatchFinder.exec(actionReasonText))) {
// We want the two highlight methods to play nice.
// If the general one is enabled we switch it of for a second to first apply the match and then the general one again
if (highlightEnabled.length > 0) {
$body.find(`.thing[data-fullname="${targetFullName}"] .md`).removeHighlight();
$body.find(`.thing[data-fullname="${targetFullName}"] .md`).highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
$body.find(`.thing[data-fullname="${targetFullName}"] .md`).highlight(highlightEnabled);
} else {
$body.find(`.thing[data-fullname="${targetFullName}"] .md`).highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
if (TBCore.isMod && TBCore.isCommentsPage && showAutomodActionReason && $('.thing.spam').length) {
const currentSubreddit = $('.side .titlebox h1.redditname a').text();
function highlightedMatches () {
$('.report-reasons .mod-report').each(function () {
const $this = $(this);
if (!$this.hasClass('hl-processed')) {
const reportText = $this.text();
if (reportText.indexOf('AutoModerator:') >= 0) {
let matches;
const matchesArray = [];
while ((matches = regexMatchFinder.exec(reportText))) {
if (highlightEnabled.length > 0) {
$this.closest('.thing').find('a.title').highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
$this.closest('.thing').find('.md').highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
} else {
$this.closest('.thing').find('a.title').highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
$this.closest('.thing').find('.md').highlight(matchesArray, '', true);
if (TBCore.isModpage && highlightAutomodMatches) {
// highlight matches if text posts expand
document.addEventListener('tbNewExpando', e => {
const $target = $(;
}, true);
if (TBCore.isModpage && showAutomodActionReason) {
const queueSubs = [];
self.log('getting automod action reasons');
$('#siteTable .thing').each(function () {
const $this = $(this);
const subreddit = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName($this.find('a.subreddit').text());
const removedBy = $this.find('.flat-list li[title]').text();
self.log(` subreddit: ${subreddit}`);
self.log(` removedby: ${removedBy}`);
if (!queueSubs.includes(subreddit) && removedBy === '[ removed by AutoModerator (remove not spam) ]') {
for (let i = 0; i < queueSubs.length; i++) {
const sub = queueSubs[i];
// Let's make bot approved posts stand out!
const selectors = => `img.approval-checkmark[title*="approved by ${bot}"]`);
if (selectors.length && TBCore.isMod) {
${selectors.join(',')} {
display: inline-block;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-top: 5px;
background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,${TBui.iconBot}");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
function init (options) {
if (TBCore.isOldReddit) {
const $body = $('body');
const modlogCache = {};
// Cached data
const {
// expandReports,
} = options;
// If the queue creature element is on page it will fade it out first and then remove the element.
function createCreature () {
// Creature time for real!
const $redditQueueCreature = $body.find('div:contains("The queue is clean!")');
const gotQueueCreature = $redditQueueCreature.length;
if (gotQueueCreature) {
const $creatureParent = $redditQueueCreature.parents().eq(0);
const $queueCreature = $('<div id="queueCreature"></div>');
if (queueCreature === 'puppy') {
} else if (queueCreature === 'kitteh') {
} else if (queueCreature === '/r/babyelephantgifs') {
} else if (queueCreature === '/r/spiderbros') {
} else if (queueCreature === 'piggy') {
// $queueCreature.siblings().hide();
// Activate on queue pages.
window.addEventListener('TBNewPage', event => {
if (expandActionReasonQueue && event.detail.pageType === 'queueListing') {
} else {
// Queue creature
// TODO: host the images somewhere else as at some point we probably cannot use images stored for old css
if (event.detail.pageType === 'queueListing' && queueCreature !== 'i_have_no_soul') {
// Let's try to replace the imposter creature with our own.
// To be sure let's wait a little bit and try again.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
* Callback for further handling the modlog.
* @callback getModlogCallback
* Fetches the modlog for a subreddit and updates modlogCache.
* @function getModlog
* @param {string} subreddit - the subreddit for which the modlog needs to be fetched
* @param {getModlogCallback} callback - callback that handles further modlog interactions
function getModlog (subreddit, callback) {
TBApi.getJSON(`/r/${subreddit}/about/log/.json`, {limit: 500}).then(json => {
TBStorage.purifyObject(json); => {
const fullName =;
const actionID =;
if (!fullName) {
if (![subreddit].actions, fullName)) {
modlogCache[subreddit].actions[fullName] = {};
modlogCache[subreddit].actions[fullName][actionID] =;
modlogCache[subreddit].activeFetch = false;
* Checks modLogCache for actions on the given fullName and subreddit.
* @function checkForActions
* @param {string} subreddit The subreddit the fullName thing belongs to.
* @param {string} fullName Thing (post/comment) fullName
* @returns {(false|object)} Either false or an object with actions
function checkForActions (subreddit, fullName) {
if ([subreddit].actions, fullName)) {
return modlogCache[subreddit].actions[fullName];
} else {
return false;
* Callback for further handling the modlog.
* @callback getActionsCallback
* @param {(Boolean|Object)} result Either false or an object with actions
* Checks for mod actions on the given fullName thing and subreddit through a caching mechanism.
* @function getActions
* @param {string} subreddit - the subreddit for which the modlog needs to be fetched
* @param {string} fullName - thing (post/comment) fullName
* @param {getActionsCallback} callback - callback that handles further modlog interactions
function getActions (subreddit, fullName, callback) {
const dateNow =;
// check if we even have data
if (!, subreddit)) {
modlogCache[subreddit] = {
actions: {},
activeFetch: true,
lastFetch: dateNow,
getModlog(subreddit, () => {
callback(checkForActions(subreddit, fullName));
// If we do have data but it is being refreshed we wait and try again.
} else if (, subreddit) && modlogCache[subreddit].activeFetch) {
setTimeout(() => {
getActions(subreddit, fullName, callback);
}, 100);
} else if (dateNow - modlogCache[subreddit].lastFetch > 300000) {
getModlog(subreddit, () => {
callback(checkForActions(subreddit, fullName));
} else {
callback(checkForActions(subreddit, fullName));
async function makeActionTable ($target, subreddit, id) {
const isMod = await TBCore.isModSub(subreddit);
if (isMod) {
getActions(subreddit, id, actions => {
if (actions) {
const show = $('body').hasClass('tb-show-actions');
const $actionTable = $(`
<div class="tb-action-details">
<span class="tb-bracket-button tb-show-action-table">${
show ? 'hide' : 'show'
} recent actions</span>
<table class="tb-action-table">
Object.values(actions).forEach(value => {
const mod = value.mod;
const action = value.action;
const details = value.details;
const description = value.description ? ` : ${value.description}` : '';
const createdAt = new Date(value.created_utc * 1000);
const $actionRow = $(`
const $actionTime = TBui.relativeTime(createdAt);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Show history of actions near posts.
if (showActionReason) {
TBListener.on('post', e => {
const $target = $(;
const subreddit =;
const id =;
makeActionTable($target, subreddit, id);
if (e.detail.type === 'TBpost') {
const $actionTable = $target.find('.tb-action-table');
TBListener.on('comment', e => {
const $target = $(;
const subreddit =;
const id =;
// For now only try this on toolbox generated comments due to target placement.
if (e.detail.type === 'TBcomment' || e.detail.type === 'TBcommentOldReddit') {
makeActionTable($target, subreddit, id);
const $actionTable = $target.find('.tb-action-table');
$body.on('click', '.tb-show-action-table', function () {
const $this = $(this);
const $actionTable = $this.closest('.tb-action-details').find('.tb-action-table');
if ($':visible')) {
$this.text('show recent actions');
} else {
$this.text('hide recent actions');
// Show button for previous ignored reports
if (showReportReasons) {
// One function handles both posts and comments
const addShowReportsButton = async redditEvent => {
// Toolbox-generated things already display ignored reports
if (['TBpost', 'TBcomment'].includes(redditEvent.detail.type)) {
// If we don't mod this subreddit, do nothing
const subreddit =;
const isMod = await TBCore.isModSub(subreddit);
if (!isMod) {
// Fetch reports; if reports aren't ignored, do nothing
const {id, author} =;
const {reportsIgnored, userReports, modReports} = await new Promise(resolve =>
TBCore.getApiThingInfo(id, subreddit, false, resolve)
if (!reportsIgnored) {
// Create the button and add its event listener
const $button = document.createElement('a');
$button.textContent = 'show reports';
$button.addEventListener('click', clickEvent => {
// Construct the list of reports
const reportList = document.createElement('div');
if (modReports.length) {
const modReportList = document.createElement('ul');
for (const [text, count] of modReports) {
const li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = `${count}: ${text}`;
const title = document.createElement('b');
title.append('mod reports:');
reportList.append(title, modReportList);
if (userReports.length) {
const userReportList = document.createElement('ul');
for (const [text, author] of userReports) {
const li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = `${author}: ${text}`;
const title = document.createElement('b');
title.append('user reports:');
reportList.append(title, userReportList);
// Display reports in a popup
const {topPosition, leftPosition} = TBui.drawPosition(clickEvent);
const $popup = TBui.popup({
title: `Old reports on ${author}'s ${
redditEvent.detail.type.includes('comment') ? 'comment' : 'post'
tabs: [{
content: reportList,
draggable: true,
top: topPosition,
left: leftPosition,
}).appendTo(document.querySelector('.tb-page-overlay') || 'body');
$popup.on('click', '.close', () => {
TBListener.on('post', addShowReportsButton);
TBListener.on('comment', addShowReportsButton);
} // queueTools.init()
export default self;