import $ from 'jquery';
import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';
import * as TBApi from './tbapi.ts';
import {getModhash} from './tbapi.ts';
import {icons} from './tbconstants.ts';
import * as TBHelpers from './tbhelpers.js';
import TBLog from './tblog.ts';
import * as TBStorage from './tbstorage.js';
import {currentPlatform, RedditPlatform} from './util/platform.ts';
const logger = TBLog('TBCore');
// Build variables defined by Rollup
/* global process */
/** @type {'stable' | 'beta' | 'dev'} */
export const buildType = process.env.BUILD_TYPE;
/** @type {string | null} */
const buildSha = process.env.BUILD_SHA;
// Schema versioning information
// TODO: Put these into the files they're used in, rather than keeping them here
export const configSchema = 1;
export const configMinSchema = 1;
export const configMaxSchema = 1;
export const notesSchema = 6;
export const notesMinSchema = 4;
export const notesDeprecatedSchema = 4;
export const notesMaxSchema = 6; // The non-default max version (to allow phase-in schema releases)
* Checks if a given subreddit config version is valid with this version of toolbox
* @function
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} subreddit
* @returns {booleean} valid
export function isConfigValidVersion (subreddit, config) {
if (config.ver < configMinSchema || config.ver > configMaxSchema) {
logger.error(`Failed config version check:
\tsubreddit: ${subreddit}
\tconfig.ver: ${config.ver}
\tTBCore.configSchema: ${configSchema}
\tTBCore.configMinSchema: ${configMinSchema}
\tTBCore.configMaxSchema: ${configMaxSchema}`);
return false;
return true;
// Generated version strings
const manifest = browser.runtime.getManifest();
const versionRegex = /(?<major>\d\d?)\.(?<minor>\d\d?)\.(?<patch>\d\d?)\.(?<build>\d+)/;
const {major, minor, patch, build} = manifest.version.match(versionRegex).groups;
* Concise version string which includes all possibly relevant information.
* @example ' stable 5546015'
* @example ' beta 893745b'
export const toolboxVersion = `${manifest.version} ${buildType} ${buildSha?.slice(0, 7) || 'local'}`.trim();
* User-friendly version string; stable releases exclude build and commit
* @example '6.1.13 "Delaying Donkey"'
* @example '7.0.0 "Rewriting Rattlesnake" (build 2 from 893745b)'
export const toolboxVersionName = `${manifest.version_name}${
buildType === 'stable'
? ''
: ` (${buildType} build ${build || 0} from ${buildSha?.slice(0, 7) || 'local copy'})`
* Numeric representation of basic version information; compare
* major/minor/patch/build instead when possible
* @example 60113
* @deprecated
export const shortVersion = major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch * 1;
// Details about the current page
const $body = $('body');
export const isMod = $('body.moderator').length;
/** @deprecated Check {@linkcode currentPlatform} directly instead. */
export const isOldReddit = currentPlatform === RedditPlatform.OLD;
/** @deprecated Check {@linkcode currentPlatform} directly instead. */
export const isNewModmail = currentPlatform === RedditPlatform.MODMAIL;
export const isNewMMThread = $('body').find('.ThreadViewer').length > 0;
// TODO: break these checks out into platform.ts per-platform
export const isEmbedded = $('body').hasClass('embedded-page')
|| window.location.pathname.match(/^(\/r\/.*?)\/post-viewer\//);
export let pageDetails = {};
// Additional location checks to determine the type of page we're on
export const isEditUserPage = location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:contributors|moderator|banned)\/?/);
export const isModmail = location.pathname.match(/(\/message\/(?:moderator)\/?)|(\/r\/.*?\/about\/message\/inbox\/?)/);
export const isModpage = location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:reports|modqueue|spam|unmoderated|edited)\/?/);
export const isModLogPage = location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:log)\/?/);
export const isModQueuePage = location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:modqueue)\/?/);
export const isUnmoderatedPage = location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:unmoderated)\/?/);
export const isUserPage = location.pathname.match(/\/(?:user)\/?/);
export const isCommentsPage = location.pathname.match(/\?*\/(?:comments)\/?/);
export const isSubCommentsPage = location.pathname.match(/\/r\/.*?\/(?:comments)\/?/);
export const isSubAllCommentsPage = location.pathname.match(/\/r\/.*?\/(?:comments)\/?$/);
export const isModFakereddit = location.pathname.match(/^\/r\/mod\b/) || location.pathname.match(/^\/me\/f\/mod\b/);
export const events = {
export const defaultUsernoteTypes = [
{key: 'gooduser', color: 'green', text: 'Good Contributor'},
{key: 'spamwatch', color: 'fuchsia', text: 'Spam Watch'},
{key: 'spamwarn', color: 'purple', text: 'Spam Warning'},
{key: 'abusewarn', color: 'orange', text: 'Abuse Warning'},
{key: 'ban', color: 'red', text: 'Ban'},
{key: 'permban', color: 'darkred', text: 'Permanent Ban'},
{key: 'botban', color: 'black', text: 'Bot Ban'},
export const config = {
ver: configSchema,
domainTags: '',
removalReasons: '',
modMacros: '',
usernoteColors: '',
banMacros: '',
const SETTINGS_NAME = 'Utils';
// Details about the current user
export {getModhash};
// If mod subs are being fetched we wait for them to be refreshed.
let fetchModSubsActive = false;
function waitForModSubsRefresh () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener('tb-fresh-mod-subs', () => {
}, {
once: true,
* Returns a Promise that returns the subreddits a user mods as
* an array with just the names or array with details per subreddit.
* First tries to read their values from cache, and falls back to
* fetching the list of moderated subs from the API.
* @function
* @param {boolean} data If true will return detailed subreddit data.
* @returns {Promise<array>} array with subreddit names or subreddit objects with details.
export async function getModSubs (data) {
logger.log('getting mod subs');
// Are we already fetching subs? If so, wait for them to be refreshed before attempting to return anything.
if (fetchModSubsActive) {
await waitForModSubsRefresh();
return TBStorage.getCache('Utils', data ? 'moderatedSubsData' : 'moderatedSubs', []);
} else {
fetchModSubsActive = true;
// Try to load the info we need from cache
const cachedData = await TBStorage.getCache('Utils', data ? 'moderatedSubsData' : 'moderatedSubs', []);
if (cachedData.length) {
// Got cache let other waiting instances of this function know and return cachedData
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tb-fresh-mod-subs'));
fetchModSubsActive = false;
return cachedData;
// We need to refresh the list of moderated subreddits.
const subredditData = await fetchModSubs();
// mySubs should contain a list of subreddit names, sorted alphabetically
const mySubs = TBHelpers.saneSort({data}) => data.display_name.trim()));
const mySubsData = TBHelpers.sortBy({data}) => ({
subreddit: data.display_name,
subscribers: data.subscribers,
over18: data.over18,
created_utc: data.created_utc,
subreddit_type: data.subreddit_type,
submission_type: data.submission_type,
is_enrolled_in_new_modmail: data.is_enrolled_in_new_modmail,
await TBStorage.setCache('Utils', 'moderatedSubs', mySubs);
await TBStorage.setCache('Utils', 'moderatedSubsData', mySubsData);
fetchModSubsActive = false;
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tb-fresh-mod-subs'));
return data ? mySubsData : mySubs;
* Returns a Promise that returns if the logged in user is a mod of a given subreddit.
* @function
* @param {string} subreddit Subreddit to check.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
export async function isModSub (subreddit) {
const mySubs = await getModSubs(false);
return mySubs.includes(subreddit);
export async function modSubCheck () {
const mySubsData = await getModSubs(true);
const subCount = mySubsData.length;
let subscriberCount = 0;
mySubsData.forEach(subreddit => {
subscriberCount += subreddit.subscribers;
subscriberCount -= subCount;
if (subscriberCount > 25) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// A promise we hold onto to ensure the lastVersion is fetched only once, before
// it gets updated to the current version
let lastVersionPromise = null;
* Gets the version of Toolbox that was used last time the Toolbox content
* script was started. Used to tell if the extension was just updated.
* @returns {Promise<number>}
export function getLastVersion () {
if (!lastVersionPromise) {
lastVersionPromise = TBStorage.getSettingAsync(SETTINGS_NAME, 'lastVersion', 0);
return lastVersionPromise;
* The base domain to use for links to content on Reddit. If we are on new
* modmail we use; wnywhere else we use whatever is the current
* domain.
export const baseDomain = window.location.hostname === ''
? ''
: `https://${window.location.hostname}`;
* Takes an absolute path for a link and prepends the
* domain if we're in new modmail ( Makes absolute path
* links work everywhere.
* @function
* @param {string} l The link path, starting with "/"
* @returns {string}
export const link = l => isNewModmail ? `${l}` : l;
// Check our post site. We might want to do some sort or regex fall back here, if it's needed.
const invalidPostSites = ['subreddits you moderate', 'mod (filtered)', 'all'];
export let post_site = isModFakereddit || $('.redditname:not(.pagename) a:first').html() || ''; // This may need to be changed to regex, if this is unreliable.
if (isModFakereddit || !post_site || invalidPostSites.indexOf(post_site) !== -1) {
post_site = '';
// Page event management
export function sendEvent (tbuEvent) {
logger.log('Sending event:', tbuEvent);
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(tbuEvent));
export function catchEvent (tbuEvent, callback) {
if (!callback) {
window.addEventListener(tbuEvent, callback);
// Platform and debugging information
const CHROME = 'chrome';
const FIREFOX = 'firefox';
const OPERA = 'opera';
const EDGE = 'edge';
const UNKNOWN_BROWSER = 'unknown';
/** The name of the current browser. */
export const browserName = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined' || 'MozBoxSizing' in
: typeof chrome !== 'undefined'
? navigator.userAgent.includes(' OPR/')
: navigator.userAgent.includes(' Edg/')
* Puts important debug information in a object so we can easily include
* it in /r/toolbox posts and comments when people need support.
* @function
* @returns {DebugObject} Object with debug information
export function debugInformation () {
const debugObject = {
browser: '',
browserVersion: '',
platformInformation: '',
debugMode: TBStorage.getSetting('Utils', 'debugMode', false),
compactMode: TBStorage.getSetting('Modbar', 'compactHide', false),
advancedSettings: TBStorage.getSetting('Utils', 'advancedMode', false),
cookiesEnabled: navigator.cookieEnabled,
const browserUserAgent = navigator.userAgent;
let browserMatchedInfo = [];
switch (browserName) {
case CHROME: {
// Let's first make sure we are actually dealing with chrome and not some other chrome fork that also supports extension.
// This way we can also cut some support requests short.
const vivaldiRegex = /\((.*?)\).*Vivaldi\/([0-9.]*?)$/;
const yandexRegex = /\((.*?)\).*YaBrowser\/([0-9.]*).*$/;
const chromeRegex = /\((.*?)\).*Chrome\/([0-9.]*).*$/;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Vivaldi/') >= 0 && vivaldiRegex.test(browserUserAgent)) { // Vivaldi
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(vivaldiRegex);
debugObject.browser = 'Vivaldi';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' YaBrowser/') >= 0 && yandexRegex.test(browserUserAgent)) { // Yandex
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(yandexRegex);
debugObject.browser = 'Yandex';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
} else if (chromeRegex.test(browserUserAgent)) {
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(chromeRegex);
debugObject.browser = 'Chrome';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
} else {
debugObject.browser = 'Chrome derivative';
debugObject.browserVersion = 'Unknown';
debugObject.platformInformation = browserUserAgent;
case FIREFOX: {
const firefoxRegex = /\((.*?)\).*Firefox\/([0-9.]*?)$/;
const firefoxDerivativeRegex = /\((.*?)\).*(Firefox\/[0-9.].*?)$/;
if (firefoxRegex.test(browserUserAgent)) {
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(firefoxRegex);
debugObject.browser = 'Firefox';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
} else if (firefoxDerivativeRegex.test(browserUserAgent)) {
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(firefoxDerivativeRegex);
debugObject.browser = 'Firefox derivative';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
} else {
debugObject.browser = 'Firefox derivative';
debugObject.browserVersion = 'Unknown';
debugObject.platformInformation = browserUserAgent;
case OPERA: {
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(/\((.*?)\).*OPR\/([0-9.]*).*$/);
debugObject.browser = 'Opera';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
case EDGE: {
browserMatchedInfo = browserUserAgent.match(/\((.*?)\).*Edg\/([0-9.]*).*$/);
debugObject.browser = 'Edge';
debugObject.browserVersion = browserMatchedInfo[2];
debugObject.platformInformation = browserMatchedInfo[1];
debugObject.browser = 'Unknown';
debugObject.browserVersion = 'Unknown';
debugObject.platformInformation = browserUserAgent;
default: {
// This should really never happen, but just in case I left it in.
debugObject.browser = 'Error in browser detection';
debugObject.browserVersion = 'Unknown';
debugObject.platformInformation = browserUserAgent;
// info level is always displayed'Version/browser information:', debugObject);
return debugObject;
* @typedef {Object} DebugObject
* @property {string} toolboxVersion The toolbox version
* @property {string} browser Browser used (Firefox, Chrome, etc)
* @property {string} browserVersion The version of the browser
* @property {string} platformInformation Other platform information
* @property {boolean} debugMode toolbox debugMode enabled
* @property {boolean} compactMode toolbox compactmode enabled
* @property {boolean} advancedSettings toolbox advanced settings enabled
* @property {boolean} cookiesEnabled Browser cookies enabled
// Random quote generator
const randomQuotes = [
'Dude, in like 24 months, I see you Skyping someone to watch them search someone\'s comments on reddit.',
'Simple solution, don\'t use nightmode....',
'Nightmode users are a buncha nerds.',
'Oh, so that\'s where that code went, I thought i had lost it somehow.',
'Are all close buttons pretty now?!?!?',
'As a Business Analyst myself...',
'You are now an approvened submitter',
'Translate creesch\'s Klingon settings to English.',
'Cuz Uncle Jessy was hot and knew the Beach Boys',
'Don\'t worry too much. There\'s always extra pieces.',
'Make the check actually check.',
'I dunno what this \'Safari\' thing is.',
'eeeeew... why is there PHP code in this room?',
'nah there is an actual difference between stuff',
'...have you paid money *out of your own pocket* to anyone to vet this product?',
'first I want to make sure my thing actually does work sort of',
'Don\'t let "perfect" get in the way of "good."',
'damnit creesch, put a spoiler tag, now the ending of toolbox is ruined for me',
'It\'s not even kinda bad... It\'s strangely awful.',
'Like a good neighbor, /u/andytuba is there',
'toolbox is build on beer',
'aww, i thought this was about real tools',
'my poop never smelled worse than when i lived off pizza bagel bites',
'Little dot, little dot ♪ You are not so little anymore ♫',
'How great will it be that trouble\'s wiki page will also include pizza ordering instructions?',
'I go two and hope for the best.',
'oh dammit, I forgot to include url shit',
'I think I just released a broken release',
/** A random quote for the about page, determined at page load. */
export const RandomQuote = randomQuotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomQuotes.length)];
const randomTextFeedbacks = [
'Please hold, your call is important to us.',
'Remember, toolbox loves you.',
'toolbox will be back later, gone fishing.',
'toolbox is \'doing things\', don\'t ask.',
'Tuning probability drive parameters.',
'Initiating data transfer: NSA_backdoor_package. ',
'Please post puppy pictures, they are so fluffy!',
'RES is visiting for a sleepover, no time right now',
'toolbox is on strike, we demand more karma!',
'brb... kicking Gustavobc from #toolbox',
'Requesting a new insurance quote from /u/andytuba',
'Sending all your data to Pyongyang',
'Contacting lizard overlords for instructions',
'Releasing raptors',
'Booting robot uprising',
'I need to tell you something critically important! I am sure I will remember in a moment...',
'/u/dakta ran out for a pack of smokes... BUT HE PROMISED HE\'D BE RIGHT BACK',
'One sec... catching some bugs',
'Here listen to some music while you wait,',
'Me? No. I\'m no docter but it looks like you have a broken toe.',
'Boo! Scared yeh didn\'t I?',
'Having issues? Try double jumping!',
'Hold on, need a bathroom break!',
'When in doubt, check the lost and found.',
'Rustling some jimmies.',
'Hello and, again, welcome to the Toolbox Science computer-aided enrichment center.',
'Run, Snoo, Run!',
/** A random text message for long loading tasks, determined at page load. */
export const RandomFeedback = randomTextFeedbacks[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomTextFeedbacks.length)];
// Functions for displaying notes/notifications
* Opens the toolbox "nag" alert everyone loves so much. USE SPARINGLY.
* @function
* @param {object} options The options for the alert
* @param {string} options.message The text of the alert
* @param {number} options.noteID The ID of the note we're displaying
* @param {boolean} options.showClose Whether to show a close button
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Resolves when the alert is closed. Value
* will be `true` if the alert was clicked, `false` if the close button
* was clicked or if it was closed for another reason.
export const alert = ({message, noteID, showClose}) =>
new Promise(resolve => {
const $noteDiv = $(`<div id="tb-notification-alert"><span>${message}</span></div>`);
if (showClose) {
$noteDiv.append(`<i class="note-close tb-icons" title="Close">${icons.close}</i>`);
window.addEventListener('tbSingleSettingUpdate', event => {
const settingDetail = event.detail;
if (
settingDetail.module === 'Utils' && settingDetail.setting === 'seenNotes'
&& settingDetail.value.includes(noteID)
) {
$ => {
if ( === 'note-close') {
* Shows a notification, uses native browser notifications if the user
* allows it or falls back on html notifications.
* @function
* @param {string} title Notification title
* @param {string} body Body text
* @param {string} path Absolute path to be opend when clicking the
* notification
* @param {string?} markreadid The ID of a conversation to mark as read
* when the notification is clicked
export async function notification (title, body, path, markreadid = false) {
const notificationTimeout = 6000;
const notificationID = await browser.runtime.sendMessage({
action: 'tb-notification',
native: await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('GenSettings', 'nativeNotifications', true),
details: {
// We can't use link() for this since the background page has to have an absolute URL
url: isNewModmail ? `${path}` : `${location.origin}${path}`,
modHash: await TBApi.getModhash(),
markreadid: markreadid || false,
// Because `browser.alarms` is weirdly simplistic and limited it is easier to do the timeout in the content_script side of things.
setTimeout(() => {
action: 'tb-page-notification-clear',
id: notificationID,
}, notificationTimeout);
* Displays an alert for the given note if its platform information matches and
* the note hasn't been seen yet.
* @param {object} note
* @param {string} The ID of the note, used to tell if it's been seen
* @param {string} note.text The text to display in the alert
* @param {string} A URI to open when the user clicks the alert
* @param {string} [note.platform] If present, the note will only be shown on the given platform
export async function showNote (note) {
if (! || !note.text) {
// If this note is only for a specific platform we're not on, skip it
if (
note.platform === 'firefox' && browserName !== FIREFOX
|| note.platform === 'chrome' && browserName !== CHROME
|| note.platform === 'opera' && browserName !== OPERA
|| note.platform === 'edge' && browserName !== EDGE
) {
// If we've already seen this note, skip it
if ((await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'seenNotes', [])).includes( {
// Display the note, and add it to the list of seen notes when it's clicked
message: note.text,
showClose: false,
}).then(async resp => {
if ( &&^(https?:|\/)/i) && resp) {
// Fetch seenNotes fresh, add this note's ID, and save the result
const seenNotes = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'seenNotes', []);
await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Utils', 'seenNotes', seenNotes);
window.setTimeout(() => {;
}, 100);
* Fetches notes for the given subreddit (from /r/sub/w/tbnotes).
* @param {string} sub The name of the subreddit to fetch notes from
* @returns {Promise<object[]>}
async function fetchNewsNotes (sub) {
const resp = await TBApi.readFromWiki(sub, 'tbnotes', true);
if (!resp || resp === TBApi.WIKI_PAGE_UNKNOWN || resp === TBApi.NO_WIKI_PAGE || resp.length < 1) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch notes for /r/${sub}`);
return resp.notes;
/** Fetch and display all news notes. */
export function displayNotes () {
// dev releases skip all notes for my own sanity
if (buildType === 'dev') {
fetchNewsNotes('toolbox').then(notes => notes.forEach(showNote)).catch(logger.warn);
if (buildType === 'beta') {
fetchNewsNotes('tb_beta').then(notes => notes.forEach(showNote)).catch(logger.warn);
// Iteration helpers
// Prevent page lock while parsing things. (stolen from RES)
export function forEachChunked (array, chunkSize, delay, call, complete, start) {
if (array === null) {
if (chunkSize === null || chunkSize < 1) {
if (delay === null || delay < 0) {
if (call === null) {
let counter = 0;
function doChunk () {
if (counter === 0 && start) {
for (let end = Math.min(array.length, counter + chunkSize); counter < end; counter++) {
const ret = call(array[counter], counter, array);
if (ret === false) {
return window.setTimeout(finish, delay);
if (counter < array.length) {
window.setTimeout(doChunk, delay);
} else {
window.setTimeout(finish, delay);
window.setTimeout(doChunk, delay);
function finish () {
return complete ? complete() : false;
// Chunking abused for ratelimiting
export function forEachChunkedRateLimit (array, chunkSize, call, complete, start) {
let length;
let limit;
let counter;
const delay = 100;
if (array === null) {
} else if (chunkSize === null || chunkSize < 1) {
} else if (call === null) {
} else {
length = array.length;
limit = length > chunkSize ? 20 : 0;
counter = 0;
if (length < chunkSize) {
chunkSize = length;
function doChunk () {
if (counter === 0 && start) {
for (let end = Math.min(array.length, counter + chunkSize); counter < end; counter++) {
const ret = call(array[counter], counter, array);
if (ret === false) {
return window.setTimeout(finish, delay);
if (counter < array.length) {
window.setTimeout(updateRateLimit, delay);
} else {
window.setTimeout(finish, delay);
function timer (count, $body, ratelimitRemaining) {
count -= 1;
if (count <= 0) {
return count;
const minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
const seconds = count - minutes * 60;
`<b>Oh dear, it seems we have hit a limit, waiting for ${minutes} minutes and ${seconds} seconds before resuming operations.</b>
<span class="rate-limit-explain"><b>tl;dr</b> <br> Reddit's current ratelimit allows for <i>${ratelimitRemaining} requests</i>. We are currently trying to process <i>${
} items</i>. Together with toolbox requests in the background that is cutting it a little bit too close. Luckily for us reddit tells us when the ratelimit will be reset, that is the timer you see now.</span>
return count;
function updateRateLimit () {
TBApi.getRatelimit().then(({ratelimitReset, ratelimitRemaining}) => {
const $body = $('body');
if (!$body.find('#ratelimit-counter').length) {
$('div[role="main"].content').append('<span id="ratelimit-counter"></span>');
if (chunkSize + limit > parseInt(ratelimitRemaining)) {
let count = parseInt(ratelimitReset);
let counter = 0;
counter = setInterval(() => {
count = timer(count, $body, ratelimitRemaining);
if (count <= 0) {
}, 1000);
} else {
function finish () {
return complete ? complete() : false;
export function forEachChunkedDynamic (array, process, options) {
if (typeof process !== 'function') {
const arr = Array.from(array);
let start;
let stop;
let fr;
let started = false;
const opt = Object.assign({
size: 25, // starting size
framerate: 30, // target framerate
nerf: 0.9, // Be careful with this one
}, options);
let size = opt.size;
const nerf = opt.nerf;
const framerate = opt.framerate;
const now = () =>;
const again = typeof window.requestAnimationFrame === 'function'
? function (callback) {
: function (callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 1000 / opt.framerate);
function optimize () {
stop = now();
fr = 1000 / (stop - start);
size = Math.ceil(size * (1 + (fr / framerate - 1) * nerf));
return start = stop;
return new Promise(resolve => {
function doChunk () {
if (started) {
} else {
started = true;
arr.splice(0, size).forEach(process);
if (arr.length) {
return again(doChunk);
return resolve(array);
start = now();
export async function getConfig (sub) {
// Check
const cachedSubsWithNoConfig = await TBStorage.getCache('Utils', 'noConfig', []);
if (cachedSubsWithNoConfig.includes(sub)) {
return undefined;
const cachedConfigs = await TBStorage.getCache('Utils', 'configCache', {});
if (cachedConfigs[sub] !== undefined) {
return cachedConfigs[sub];
// Fetch config from wiki
const resp = await TBApi.readFromWiki(sub, 'toolbox', true);
if (!resp || resp === TBApi.WIKI_PAGE_UNKNOWN) {
// Complete and utter failure
return undefined;
if (resp === TBApi.NO_WIKI_PAGE) {
// Subreddit not configured yet, at least add it to the noConfig cache
TBStorage.setCache('Utils', 'noConfig', cachedSubsWithNoConfig);
return undefined;
// We have new config data from the wiki, update the config cache and return
cachedConfigs[sub] = resp;
TBStorage.setCache('Utils', 'configCache', cachedConfigs);
return resp;
// TODO: Move this function to tbmodule, the only place it's ever used
export function exportSettings (subreddit, callback) {
const settingsObject = {};
$(TBStorage.settings).each(function () {
if (this === 'Storage.settings') {
} // don't backup the setting registry.
const key = this.split('.');
const setting = TBStorage.getSetting(key[0], key[1], null);
if (setting !== null && setting !== undefined) { // DO NOT, EVER save null (or undefined, but we shouldn't ever get that)
settingsObject[this] = setting;
TBApi.postToWiki('tbsettings', subreddit, settingsObject, 'exportSettings', true, false).then(callback);
// TODO: Move this function to tbmodule, the only place it's ever used
export async function importSettings (subreddit) {
const resp = await TBApi.readFromWiki(subreddit, 'tbsettings', true);
if (!resp || resp === TBApi.WIKI_PAGE_UNKNOWN || resp === TBApi.NO_WIKI_PAGE) {
logger.log('Error loading wiki page');
if (resp['Utils.lastversion'] < 300) {
logger.log('Cannot import from a toolbox version under 3.0');
const doNotImport = [
Object.entries(resp).forEach(([fullKey, value]) => {
const key = fullKey.split('.');
// Do not import certain legacy settings.
if (doNotImport.includes(fullKey)) {
logger.log(`Skipping ${fullKey} import`);
} else {
TBStorage.setSetting(key[0], key[1], value, false);
// Misc. functions
export function addToSiteTable (URL, callback) {
if (!callback) {
if (!URL) {
return callback(null);
TBApi.getJSON(URL).then(resp => {
if (!resp) {
return callback(null);
resp = resp.replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, '');
const $sitetable = $(resp).find('#siteTable');
if ($sitetable.length) {
} else {
export async function getThingInfo (sender, modCheck) {
// First we check if we are in new modmail thread and for now we take a very simple.
// Everything we need info for is centered around threads.
const permaCommentLinkRegex = /(\/(?:r|user)\/[^/]*?\/comments\/[^/]*?\/)([^/]*?)(\/[^/]*?\/?)$/;
const permaLinkInfoRegex = /\/(?:r|user)\/([^/]*?)\/comments\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)\/?$/;
// declare what we will need.
const $sender = $(sender);
const currentUser = await TBApi.getCurrentUser();
let subreddit;
let permalink;
let permalink_newmodmail;
let domain;
let id;
let postID;
let body;
let title;
let kind;
let postlink;
let banned_by;
let spam;
let ham;
let user;
let approved_by;
let $textBody;
let subredditType;
// If new modmail the method is slightly different.
if (isNewModmail) {
subredditType = '';
// Lack of a better name, can be a thread_message or infobar.
const $threadBase = $($sender.closest('.Thread__message')[0] || $sender.find('.InfoBar')[0] || $sender);
const browserUrl = window.location.href;
const idRegex = new RegExp('.**?/(.*?)$', 'i');
subreddit = $body.find('.ThreadTitle__community').text();
const idMatch = browserUrl.match(idRegex);
// `idMatch` can be null when quickly navigating away (in which case `id` is inconsequential)
id = idMatch ? idMatch[1] : 'racey';
permalink_newmodmail = $threadBase.find('.m-link').length
? `${$threadBase.find('.m-link').attr('href')}`
: `${id}`;
permalink = $body.find('.ThreadTitle__messageLink');
permalink = permalink.length ? permalink[0].href : permalink_newmodmail;
// Funny story, there is currently no functionality in new modmail that can make use of the body.
// Macros look at the sidebar and other modules don't need the body.
// Todo: Figure out what body to present when activated from modmacro.
$textBody = $threadBase.find('.Message__body .md').clone();
$textBody.find('.RESUserTag, .voteWeight, .keyNavAnnotation').remove();
body = $textBody.text() || '';
body = body.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
title = $body.find('.ThreadTitle__title').text();
kind = $threadBase.hasClass('.Thread__message') ? 'modmailmessage' : 'modmailthread';
spam = false;
ham = false;
user = $threadBase.find('.Message__author').first().text()
|| $body.find('.InfoBar__username').first().text()
|| $body.find('.ModIdCard__UserNameContainer').first().text();
} else {
const $entry = $($sender.closest('.entry')[0] || $sender.find('.entry')[0] || $sender);
const $thing = $($sender.closest('.thing')[0] || $sender);
subredditType = $thing.attr('data-subreddit-type');
user = $entry.find('.author:first').text()
|| ($entry.has('> .tagline') ? '[deleted]' : $thing.find('.author:first').text());
subreddit = $thing.attr('data-subreddit') || post_site || $entry.find('.subreddit:first').text()
|| $thing.find('.subreddit:first').text()
|| $entry.find('.tagline .head b > a[href^="/r/"]:not(.moderator)').text();
permalink = $entry.find('a.bylink').attr('href') || $entry.find('.buttons:first .first a').attr('href')
|| $thing.find('a.bylink').attr('href') || $thing.find('.buttons:first .first a').attr('href');
domain = ($entry.find('span.domain:first').text() || $thing.find('span.domain:first').text()).replace('(', '')
.replace(')', '');
id = $entry.attr('data-fullname') || $thing.attr('data-fullname')
|| $sender.closest('.usertext').find('input[name=thing_id]').val();
$textBody = $entry.find('.usertext-body:first').clone() || $thing.find('.usertext-body:first').clone();
$textBody.find('.RESUserTag, .voteWeight, .keyNavAnnotation').remove();
body = $textBody.text() || '';
body = body.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// These need some fall backs, but only removal reasons use them for now.
title = $thing.find('a.title').length ? $thing.find('a.title').text() : '';
kind = $thing.hasClass('link') ? 'submission' : 'comment';
postlink = $thing.find('a.title').attr('href');
// removed? spam or ham?
const removal = ($entry.find('.flat-list.buttons li b:contains("removed by")').text() || '').match(
/removed by (.+) \(((?:remove not |confirm )?spam)/,
) || [];
banned_by = removal[1] || '';
spam = removal[2] === 'spam' || removal[2] === 'confirm spam';
ham = removal[2] === 'remove not spam';
if (isEditUserPage && !user) {
user = $sender.closest('.user').find('a:first').text() || $entry.closest('.user').find('a:first').text()
|| $thing.closest('.user').find('a:first').text();
// If we still don't have a sub, we're in mod mail, or PMs.
if (isModmail || $sender.closest('.message-parent')[0] !== undefined) {
// Change it to use the parent's title.
title = $sender.find('.subject-text:first').text();
subreddit = subreddit
? subreddit
: $entry.find('.head a:last').text() || $thing.find('.head a:last').text();
// This is a weird palce to go about this, and the conditions are strange,
// but if we're going to assume we're us, we better make damned well sure that is likely the case.
// if ($entry.find('.remove-button').text() === '') {
// The previous check would mistakenly catch removed modmail messages as the user's messages.
// This check should be safe, since the only time we get no username in modmail is the user's own message. -dakta
// The '.message-parent' check fixes, which contains mod mail and PMs.
// There are two users in the tagline, the first one is the user sending the message so we want to target that user.
user = $entry.find('.sender').text();
// If there is only one use present and it says "to" it means that this is not the user sending the message.
if ($entry.find('.sender').length < 1 && $entry.find('.recipient').length > 0) {
user = currentUser;
if (user === '') {
user = currentUser;
if (!subreddit || subreddit.indexOf('/r/') < 1) {
// Find a better way, I double dog dare ya!
subreddit = $thing.closest('.message-parent').find('.correspondent.reddit.rounded a').text();
const approved_text = $entry.find('.approval-checkmark').attr('title') || '';
approved_by = approved_text.match(/by\s(.+?)\s/) || '';
// A recent reddit change makes subreddit names sometimes start with "/r/".
// Mod mail subreddit names additionally end with "/".
// reddit pls, need consistency
subreddit = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName(subreddit);
const isMod = await isModSub(subreddit);
// Not a mod, reset current sub.
if (modCheck && !isMod) {
subreddit = '';
if (user === '[deleted]') {
user = '';
// If the permalink is relative, stick the current domain name in.
// Only do so if a permalink is found.
if (permalink && permalink.slice(0, 1) === '/') {
permalink = baseDomain + permalink;
if (permalink && permaCommentLinkRegex.test(permalink)) {
const permalinkDetails = permalink.match(permaLinkInfoRegex);
postID = `t3_${permalinkDetails[2]}`;
permalink = permalink.replace(permaCommentLinkRegex, '$1-$3');
const info = {
author: user,
permalink_newmodmail: permalink_newmodmail || permalink,
url: permalink,
postID: postID || '',
body: `> ${body.split('\n').join('\n> ')}`,
raw_body: body,
uri_body: encodeURIComponent(body).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
uri_title: encodeURIComponent(title).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
link: postlink,
rules: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/rules`) : '',
sidebar: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/sidebar`) : '',
wiki: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/wiki/index`) : '',
mod: currentUser,
return info;
function findMessage (object, searchID) {
let found;
switch (object.kind) {
case 'Listing':
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
const childFound = findMessage([i], searchID);
if (childFound) {
found = childFound;
case 't4':
if ( === searchID) {
found = object;
if (, 'replies') &&
&& typeof === 'object'
) {
const childFound = findMessage(, searchID); // we need to go deeper.
if (childFound) {
found = childFound;
return found;
export const getApiThingInfo = (id, subreddit, modCheck) =>
new Promise(resolve => {
if (id.startsWith('t4_')) {
const shortID = id.substr(3);
TBApi.getJSON(`/message/messages/${shortID}.json`).then(async response => {
const message = findMessage(response, shortID);
const body =;
const user =;
const title =;
const permalink = `/message/messages/${shortID}`;
let subreddit = || '';
const isMod = await isModSub(subreddit);
if (modCheck && !isMod) {
subreddit = '';
const info = {
author: user,
url: permalink,
domain: '',
body: `> ${body.split('\n').join('\n> ')}`,
raw_body: body,
uri_body: encodeURIComponent(body).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
approved_by: '',
uri_title: encodeURIComponent(title).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
kind: 'comment',
postlink: '',
link: '',
banned_by: '',
spam: '',
ham: '',
rules: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/rules`) : '',
sidebar: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/sidebar`) : '',
wiki: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/wiki/index`) : '',
mod: await TBApi.getCurrentUser(),
} else {
const permaCommentLinkRegex = /(\/(?:r|user)\/[^/]*?\/comments\/[^/]*?\/)([^/]*?)(\/[^/]*?\/?)$/;
TBApi.getJSON(`/r/${subreddit}/api/info.json`, {id}).then(async response => {
const data =;
let user = data.children[0];
const body = data.children[0].data.body || data.children[0].data.selftext || '';
let permalink = data.children[0].data.permalink;
const title = data.children[0].data.title || '';
const postlink = data.children[0].data.url || '';
// A recent reddit change makes subreddit names sometimes start with "/r/".
// Mod mail subreddit names additionally end with "/".
// reddit pls, need consistency
subreddit = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName(subreddit);
// Not a mod, reset current sub.
const isMod = await isModSub(subreddit);
if (modCheck && !isMod) {
subreddit = '';
if (user === '[deleted]') {
user = '';
// If the permalink is relative, stick the current domain name in.
// Only do so if a permalink is found.
if (permalink && permalink.slice(0, 1) === '/') {
permalink = baseDomain + permalink;
if (permalink && permaCommentLinkRegex.test(permalink)) {
permalink = permalink.replace(permaCommentLinkRegex, '$1-$3');
if (modCheck && !isMod) {
subreddit = '';
const info = {
author: user,
url: permalink,
domain: data.children[0].data.domain || '',
body: `> ${body.split('\n').join('\n> ')}`,
raw_body: body,
uri_body: encodeURIComponent(body).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
approved_by: data.children[0].data.approved_by,
uri_title: encodeURIComponent(title).replace(/\)/g, '\\)'),
kind: data.children[0].kind === 't3' ? 'submission' : 'comment',
link: postlink,
banned_by: data.children[0].data.banned_by,
spam: data.children[0].data.spam,
ham: data.children[0].data.removed,
rules: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/rules`) : '',
sidebar: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/about/sidebar`) : '',
wiki: subreddit ? link(`/r/${subreddit}/wiki/index`) : '',
mod: await TBApi.getCurrentUser(),
userReports: data.children[0].data.user_reports,
modReports: data.children[0].data.mod_reports,
reportsIgnored: data.children[0].data.ignore_reports,
// Global object shenanigans
* Gets a list of all subreddits the current user moderates from the API.
* @param {string} [after] Pagination parameter used for recursion
* @returns {Promise<object[]>}
async function fetchModSubs (after, tries = 1) {
let json;
try {
json = await TBApi.getJSON('/subreddits/mine/moderator.json', {
limit: 100,
} catch (error) {
// Retry 504s, up to 5 attempts; otherwise throw the error
if (error.response && error.response.status === 504 && tries < 5) {
return fetchModSubs(after, tries + 1);
} else {
throw error;
// If there are more subs left, fetch them and return everything
if ( {
return [, ...await fetchModSubs(];
} else {
// If devs are being fetched, stores a promise that will fulfill afterwards
let devsFetchPromise = null;
* Fetches the list of Toolbox developers from the /r/toolbox mod list. May
* return a cached list or a static fallback if the API request fails.
* @returns {Promise<Array<string>>}
export async function getToolboxDevs () {
// Try to get from cache
const cachedDevs = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'tbDevs', []);
if (cachedDevs && cachedDevs.length) {
return cachedDevs;
// Cache didn't work - get from API instead
// Check if we're already in the middle of fetching - if we are, we don't
// want to kick off the same process multiple times
if (!devsFetchPromise) {
// Start fetching and store a Promise of the process
devsFetchPromise = (async () => {
let devs;
try {
// Fetch the /r/toolbox mod list
const resp = await TBApi.getJSON('/r/toolbox/about/moderators.json');
devs =
// We only care about usernames
.map(child =>
// ignore automod
.filter(dev => dev !== 'AutoModerator');
} catch (_) {
// Something went wrong, use a hardcoded fallback list
devs = [
'LowSociety ',
// Since we didn't find the devs in cache, update the cache
await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Utils', 'tbDevs', devs);
// We're done fetching - unset the promise and return
devsFetchPromise = null;
return devs;
// Return the promise that will fulfill once we've fetched the dev list
return devsFetchPromise;
// Listen to background page communication and act based on that.
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(message => {
switch (message.action) {
default: {
const event = new CustomEvent(message.action, {detail: message.payload});
// Private function for setting wiki pages private
export async function setWikiPrivate (subreddit, page, failAlert) {
okOnly: true,
method: 'POST',
endpoint: `/r/${subreddit}/wiki/settings/`,
body: {
listed: true, // hrm, may need to make this a config setting.
permlevel: 2,
uh: await TBApi.getModhash(),
// Super extra double-secret secure, just to be safe.
.then(() => {
// used if it is important for the user to know that a wiki page has not been set to private.
if (failAlert) {
alert('error setting wiki page to mod only access');
window.location = `${subreddit}/wiki/settings/${page}`;
} else {
logger.log('error setting wiki page to mod only access');
// Page change detection
// Watch for locationHref changes and sent an event with details
let locationHref;
let locationHash;
// new modmail regex matches.
const newMMlistingReg = /^\/mail\/([^/]+?)\/?$/;
const newMMconversationReg = /^\/mail\/([^/]+?)\/?([^/]*)\/?(?:[^/]*\/?)?$/;
const newMMcreate = /^\/mail\/create\/?$/;
// reddit regex matches.
const redditFrontpageReg = /^\/?(hot|new|rising|controversial)?\/?$/;
const subredditFrontpageReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/?(hot|new|rising|controversial)?\/?$/;
const subredditCommentListingReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/comments\/?$/;
const subredditCommentsPageReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/comments\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)\/?$/;
const subredditPermalinkCommentsPageReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/comments\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)\/?$/;
const subredditWikiPageReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/wiki\/?(edit|revisions|settings|discussions)?\/(.+)\/?$/;
const queuePageReg = /^\/r\/([^/]*?)\/about\/(modqueue|reports|edited|unmoderated|spam)\/?$/;
const userProfile =
const userModMessage = /^\/message\/([^/]*?)\/([^/]*?)?\/?$/;
// Once a change in the page hash is detected in toolbox format it will abstract the parms and send out an event.
function refreshHashContext () {
if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash !== locationHash) {
const locationHash = window.location.hash;
const hash = locationHash.substring(1);
// To make sure we only trigger on toolbox hashes we check that the first param starts with `tb`.
// This because `tbsettings` is already used for settings.
if (hash.startsWith('?tb')) {
const paramObject = {};
const params = hash.split('&');
params.forEach(param => {
const keyval = param.split('=');
const key = keyval[0].replace('?', '');
const val = keyval[1];
paramObject[key] = val;
setTimeout(() => {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('TBHashParams', {detail: paramObject}));
}, 500);
} else if (!window.location.hash) {
locationHash = null;
// Once a change is detected it will abstract all the context information from url, update TBCore variables and emit all information in an event.
// NOTE: this function is a work in progress, page types are added once needed. Currently supported pages where context are provided are:
// NewModmail: listings, conversations, create
// reddit frontpage: sorting
// subreddits: listing including sorting, submissions, submissions with permalink
function refreshPathContext () {
const samePage = locationHref === location.href;
if (!samePage) {
const oldHref = locationHref;
locationHref = location.href;
const contextObject = {
pageType: '',
pageDetails: {},
// new modmail
if ( === '') {
if (newMMlistingReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(newMMlistingReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'modmailListing';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
listingType: matchDetails[1],
} else if (newMMconversationReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(newMMconversationReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'modmailConversation';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
conversationType: matchDetails[1],
conversationID: matchDetails[2],
} else if (newMMcreate.test(location.pathname)) {
contextObject.pageType = 'createModmail';
} else {
contextObject.pageType = 'unknown';
// other parts of reddit.
} else {
if (redditFrontpageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(redditFrontpageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'frontpage';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
sortType: matchDetails[1] || 'hot',
} else if (subredditFrontpageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(subredditFrontpageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'subredditFrontpage';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
sortType: matchDetails[2] || 'hot',
} else if (subredditCommentListingReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(subredditCommentListingReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'subredditCommentListing';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
} else if (subredditCommentsPageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(subredditCommentsPageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'subredditCommentsPage';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
submissionID: matchDetails[2],
linkSafeTitle: matchDetails[3],
} else if (subredditPermalinkCommentsPageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(subredditPermalinkCommentsPageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'subredditCommentPermalink';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
submissionID: matchDetails[2],
linkSafeTitle: matchDetails[3],
commentID: matchDetails[4],
} else if (subredditWikiPageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(subredditWikiPageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'subredditWiki';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
action: matchDetails[2],
page: matchDetails[3],
} else if (queuePageReg.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(queuePageReg);
contextObject.pageType = 'queueListing';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
subreddit: matchDetails[1],
queueType: matchDetails[2],
} else if (userProfile.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(userProfile);
let listing = matchDetails[2];
// silly new profile bussines.
if (listing === 'posts') {
listing = 'submitted';
if (!listing) {
listing = 'overview';
contextObject.pageType = 'userProfile';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
user: matchDetails[1],
} else if (userModMessage.test(location.pathname)) {
const matchDetails = location.pathname.match(userModMessage);
if (matchDetails[1] === 'moderator') {
contextObject.pageType = 'oldModmail';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
page: matchDetails[2] || 'inbox',
} else {
contextObject.pageType = 'message';
contextObject.pageDetails = {
type: matchDetails[1],
// "Unknown" pageType.
} else {
contextObject.pageType = 'unknown';
pageDetails = contextObject;
// The timeout is there because locationHref can change before react is done rendering.
setTimeout(() => {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('TBNewPage', {detail: contextObject}));
}, 500);
let watchingForURLChanges = false;
* Begins emitting TBNewPage and TBHashParam events with metadata whenever the
* background page detects that this tab's URL has changed.
export function watchForURLChanges () {
if (watchingForURLChanges) {
watchingForURLChanges = true;
// Emit initial events for the current page URL
// Register a listener to emit additional events when the URL changes
window.addEventListener('tb-url-changed', () => {
// Clean up old seen items if the lists are getting too long
TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Notifier', 'unreadPushed', []).then(async pushedunread => {
if (pushedunread.length > 250) {
pushedunread.splice(150, pushedunread.length - 150);
await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Notifier', 'unreadPushed', pushedunread);
TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Notifier', 'modqueuePushed', []).then(async pusheditems => {
if (pusheditems.length > 250) {
pusheditems.splice(150, pusheditems.length - 150);
await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Notifier', 'modqueuePushed', pusheditems);
TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'seenNotes', []).then(async seenNotes => {
if (seenNotes.length > 250) {
logger.log('clearing seen notes');
seenNotes.splice(150, seenNotes.length - 150);
await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Utils', 'seenNotes', seenNotes);
// NER support for certain cases on old Reddit
// Watch for new things and send out events based on that.
if ($('#header').length) {
let newThingRunning = false;
// NER, load more comments, and mod frame support.
const target = document.querySelector('div.content');
// create an observer instance
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
const $target = $(;
const $parentNode = $(;
if ($target.hasClass('expando')) {
const expandoEvent = new CustomEvent('tbNewExpando');;
if (
&& ($target.hasClass('nestedlisting') || $target.hasClass('listing')
|| $target.hasClass('linklisting')
|| $target.hasClass('modactionlisting')))
&& !$parentNode.hasClass('morecomments') && !$target.hasClass('flowwit')
) {
logger.log(`TBNewThings firing from: ${$target.attr('class')}`);
// It is entirely possible that TBNewThings is fired multiple times.
// That is why we only set a new timeout if there isn't one set already.
if (!newThingRunning) {
newThingRunning = true;
// Wait a sec for stuff to load.
setTimeout(() => {
newThingRunning = false;
const event = new CustomEvent('TBNewThings');
}, 1000);
// configuration of the observer:
// We specifically want all child elements but nothing else.
const config = {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
characterData: false,
subtree: true,
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(target, config);
// NER support. todo: finish this.
// window.addEventListener("neverEndingLoad", function () {
// logger.log('NER! NER! NER! NER!');
// });