
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import $ from 'jquery';

import * as TBConstants from './tbconstants.ts';
import * as TBCore from './tbcore.js';
import * as TBHelpers from './tbhelpers.js';
import TBListener from './tblistener.js';
import TBLog from './tblog.ts';
import * as TBStorage from './tbstorage.js';
import * as TBui from './tbui.js';

import css from './tbmodule.module.css';

const logger = TBLog('TBModule');

const TBModule = {
    modules: [],

    register_module (mod) {

    init: async function tbInit () {
        logger.debug('TBModule has TBStorage, loading modules');
        // Check if each module should be enabled, then call its initializer
        await Promise.all(TBModule.modules.map(async module => {
            // Don't do anything with modules the user has disabled
            if (!await module.getEnabled()) {

            // Don't do anything with beta modules unless this is a beta build
            if (module.beta && !['beta', 'dev'].includes(TBCore.buildType)) {
                // skip this module entirely
                logger.debug(`Beta  mode not enabled. Skipping ${module.name} module`);

            // Don't do anything with dev modules unless debug mode is enabled
            if (!await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'debugMode', false) && module.debugMode) {
                // skip this module entirely
                logger.debug(`Debug mode not enabled. Skipping ${module.name} module`);

            // FIXME: implement environment switches in modules
            if (!TBCore.isOldReddit && module.oldReddit) {
                logger.debug(`Module not suitable for new reddit. Skipping ${module.name} module`);

            // lock 'n load
            logger.debug(`Loading ${module.id} module`);
            await module.init();

        // Start the event listener once everything else is initialized

    async showSettings () {
        const $body = $('body');

        // preload some generic variables
        const debugMode = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'debugMode', false);
        const advancedMode = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'advancedMode', false);

        const settingSub = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'settingSub', '');
        const shortLength = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'shortLength', 15);
        const longLength = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'longLength', 45);

        // last export stuff
        const lastExport = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Modbar', 'lastExport') ?? 0;
        const showExportReminder = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Modbar', 'showExportReminder');
        const lastExportDays = Math.round(TBHelpers.millisecondsToDays(TBHelpers.getTime() - lastExport));
        const lastExportLabel = lastExport === 0 ? 'Never' : `${lastExportDays} days ago`;

        let lastExportState = '';

        if (lastExportDays > 30 || lastExport === 0) {
            lastExportState = 'sad';

            if (showExportReminder && settingSub !== '' && lastExport !== 0) {
                    `Last toolbox settings backup: ${lastExportLabel}`,
        } else if (lastExportDays < 15) {
            lastExportState = 'happy';

        // Template for 'general settings'.
        const displayNone = 'display: none;';
        let coreSettingsContent = '';

        const coreSettings = [
                settingName: 'settingssub',
                content: `
                    Backup/restore toolbox settings to a wiki page:<br>
                    <input type="text" class="tb-input" name="settingssub" placeholder="Fill in a private subreddit where you are mod..." value="${
                    ${TBui.actionButton('backup', 'tb-settings-export')}
                    ${TBui.actionButton('restore', 'tb-settings-import')}
                    <b> Important:</b> This will reload the page without saving!
                    <label class="backup-warning ${lastExportState}">Last backup: <b>${lastExportLabel}</b></label>
                display: '',
                settingName: 'showexportreminder',
                content: `<label><input type="checkbox" id="showExportReminder" ${
                    showExportReminder ? 'checked' : ''
                }> Show reminder after 30 days of no backup.</label>`,
                display: '',
                settingName: 'debugmode',
                content: `<label><input type="checkbox" id="debugMode" ${
                    debugMode ? 'checked' : ''
                }> Enable debug mode</label>`,
                display: advancedMode ? '' : displayNone,
                settingName: 'advancedmode',
                content: `<label><input type="checkbox" id="advancedMode" ${
                    advancedMode ? 'checked' : ''
                }> Show advanced settings</label>`,
                display: '',
                settingName: 'longlength',
                content: `Cache subreddit config (removal reasons, domain tags, mod macros) time (in minutes):<br>
                        <input type="number" class="tb-input" name="longLength" value="${longLength}">`,
                display: advancedMode ? '' : displayNone,
                settingName: 'shortlength',
                content: `Cache subreddit user notes time (in minutes):<br>
                      <input type="number" class="tb-input" name="shortLength" value="${shortLength}">`,
                display: advancedMode ? '' : displayNone,
                settingName: 'clearcache',
                    '<label><input type="checkbox" id="clearcache"> Clear cache on save. (NB: please close all other reddit tabs before clearing your cache.)</label>',
                display: '',
                settingName: 'showsettings',
                content: $(TBui.actionButton('Show Settings')).attr('id', 'showRawSettings'),
                display: '',

        coreSettings.forEach(({settingName, content, display}) => {
            coreSettingsContent += `
                <p id="tb-toolbox-${settingName}" class="tb-settings-p" style="${display}">
                    <a data-setting="${settingName}" href="javascript:;" class="tb-gen-setting-link tb-setting-link-${settingName} tb-icons">
                <div style="display: none;" class="tb-setting-input tb-setting-input-${settingName}">
                    <input type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="[${settingName}](#?tbsettings=toolbox&setting=${settingName})"><br>
                    <input type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="https://www.reddit.com/#?tbsettings=toolbox&setting=${settingName}">

        $body.on('click', '.tb-gen-setting-link, .tb-module-setting-link', function () {
            const $this = $(this);
            const tbSet = $this.attr('data-setting');
            const $inputSetting = $(`.tb-setting-input-${tbSet}`);

            if ($inputSetting.is(':visible')) {
            } else {
                $inputSetting.show(function () {

        const settingsTabs = [
                title: 'Core Settings',
                tooltip: 'Edit toolbox core settings',
                help_page: 'toolbox',
                id: 'toolbox',
                content: coreSettingsContent,
                title: 'Toggle Modules',
                tooltip: 'Enable/disable individual modules',
                help_page: 'toggle-modules',
                content: '', // this gets propagated magically
                title: 'About',
                tooltip: '',
                help_page: 'about',
                id: 'about',
                content: (
                    <div className={css.aboutContent}>
                            /r/toolbox {TBCore.toolboxVersionName}
                        <h3>Open source</h3>
                        Toolbox is an open source software project. The source code and project can be found on{' '}
                        <a href='https://github.com/toolbox-team' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>GitHub</a>.
                        The toolbox development team highly values privacy. <br />
                        The toolbox privacy policy can be{' '}
                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/r/toolbox/wiki/privacy' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>
                            found on this wiki page
                        <h3>made and maintained by:</h3>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/creesch/'>/u/creesch</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/agentlame'>/u/agentlame</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/LowSociety'>/u/LowSociety</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/TheEnigmaBlade'>/u/TheEnigmaBlade</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/dakta'>/u/dakta</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/largenocream'>/u/largenocream</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/noeatnosleep'>/u/noeatnosleep</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/psdtwk'>/u/psdtwk</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/garethp'>/u/garethp</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/WorseThanHipster' title='Literally'>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/amici_ursi'>/u/amici_ursi</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/eritbh'>/u/eritbh</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/SpyTec13'>/u/SpyTec13</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/kenman'>/u/kenman</a>
                        <h3>Documentation by:</h3>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/psdtwk'>/u/psdtwk</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/gorillagnomes'>/u/gorillagnomes</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/x_minus_one'>/u/x_minus_one</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/Gustavobc'>/u/Gustavobc</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/hermithome'>/u/hermithome</a>
                                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/amici_ursi'>/u/amici_ursi</a>
                        <h3>Special thanks to:</h3>
                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/therealadyjewel'>/u/therealadyjewel</a> &{' '}
                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/erikdesjardins'>/u/erikdesjardins</a>
                        <br />for all their amazing help and support of the TB team in resolving complex issues (and
                        really simple ones)<br />
                        <a href='https://www.reddit.com/user/ShaneH7646'>/u/ShaneH7646 for the snoo running gif</a>
                        <br />
                        <a href='https://material.io/tools/icons/' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>Material icons</a>
                        <br />
                        <a href={TBCore.link('/user/DEADB33F')} target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>
                            Modtools base code by DEADB33F
                        <br />
                            Comment Thread Nuke Script
                        </a>{' '}
                        by{' '}
                        <br />
                        <a href='https://github.com/gamefreak/snuownd' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>
                            snuownd.js by gamefreak
                        <br />
                        <a href='https://codemirror.net/' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>CodeMirror code editor</a>
                        <br />
                        <span>© 2013-2020 toolbox development team.</span>
                            Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the {'"'}License{'"'});
                            <br /> you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
                            <br /> You may obtain a copy of the License at
                            <a href='http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'>
                            Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
                            License is distributed on an {'"'}AS IS{'"'}{' '}
                            BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
                            <br />
                            See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the

        // This was a clever idea, but for now it's easier to inject them
        // settingsTabs.push.apply(settingsTabs, this.generateSettings());

        const $settingsDialog = TBui.overlay({
            title: 'toolbox Settings',
                `<a class="tb-help-main" href="javascript:;" currentpage="" title="Help"><i class="tb-icons">${TBConstants.icons.help}</i></a>`,
            tabs: settingsTabs,
            // FIXME: Use a dedicated setting for save and reload rather than using debug mode
            footer: `
                ${TBui.actionButton('save', 'tb-save')}
                ${debugMode ? TBui.actionButton('save and reload', 'tb-save-reload') : ''}

        // Add ordering attributes to the existing tabs so we can insert other special tabs around them
        $settingsDialog.find('a[data-module="toolbox"]').attr('data-order', 1);
        $settingsDialog.find('a[data-module="toggle_modules"]').attr('data-order', 3);
        $settingsDialog.find('a[data-module="about"]').attr('data-order', 2);

        // This div contains the module links, separate from everything else
        const $moduleCategory = $(`
            <div class="tb-window-tabs-category">
                <h2 class="tb-window-tabs-header">Modules</h2>
        // TODO: this basically hardcodes where in the list the modules
        // category goes, but if we wanted it to not be hardcoded then we'd
        // have to rewrite how this window is generated, so it's good enough

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '.tb-help-main', e => {
            const settingsDialog = e.delegateTarget;
            const page = $(settingsDialog).find('.tb-window-tabs a.active').data('help_page');

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '> .tb-window .buttons .close', () => {
            // Settings can go on top of other overlays.
            if (!$('body').find('.tb-page-overlay').length) {
                $('body').css('overflow', 'auto');

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '.tb-save, .tb-save-reload', async e => {
            const settingsDialog = e.delegateTarget;
            const reload = $(e.target).hasClass('tb-save-reload');

            // save export sub
            let sub = $('input[name=settingssub]').val();
            if (sub) {
                // Just to be safe.
                sub = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName(sub);

                // Save the sub, first.
                TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'settingSub', sub);

            TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'debugMode', $('#debugMode').prop('checked'), false);
            TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'advancedMode', $('#advancedMode').prop('checked'), false);

            await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Modbar', 'showExportReminder', $('#showExportReminder').prop('checked'));

            // save cache settings.
            TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'longLength', parseInt($('input[name=longLength]').val()), false);

            TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'shortLength', parseInt($('input[name=shortLength]').val()), false);

            if ($('#clearcache').prop('checked')) {

            // Settings can go on top of other overlays.
            if (!$('body').find('.tb-page-overlay').length) {
                $('body').css('overflow', 'auto');

            TBStorage.verifiedSettingsSave(succ => {
                if (succ) {
                    TBui.textFeedback('Settings saved and verified', TBui.FEEDBACK_POSITIVE);
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        // Only reload in dev mode if we asked to.
                        if (!debugMode || reload) {
                    }, 1000);
                } else {
                    TBui.textFeedback('Save could not be verified', TBui.FEEDBACK_NEGATIVE);

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '.tb-settings-import, .tb-settings-export', async e => {
            let sub = $('input[name=settingssub]').val();
            if (!sub) {
                TBui.textFeedback('You have not set a subreddit to backup/restore settings', TBui.FEEDBACK_NEGATIVE);

                logger.debug('no setting sub');

            // Just to be safe.
            sub = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName(sub);

            // Save the sub, first.
            TBStorage.setSetting('Utils', 'settingSub', sub);

            if ($(e.target).hasClass('tb-settings-import')) {
                await TBCore.importSettings(sub);
                await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Modbar', 'lastExport', TBHelpers.getTime());
                await TBStorage.clearCache();
                TBStorage.verifiedSettingsSave(succ => {
                    if (succ) {
                        TBui.textFeedback('Settings imported and verified, reloading page', TBui.FEEDBACK_POSITIVE);
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 1000);
                    } else {
                        TBui.textFeedback('Imported settings could not be verified', TBui.FEEDBACK_NEGATIVE);
            } else {
                TBui.textFeedback(`Backing up settings to /r/${sub}`, TBui.FEEDBACK_NEUTRAL);
                await TBStorage.setSettingAsync('Modbar', 'lastExport', TBHelpers.getTime());
                await TBStorage.clearCache();

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '#showRawSettings', () => {
            // Don't show multiple popups at once
            if ($('.tb-raw-settings').length) {

            const $viewSettings = TBui.popup({
                title: 'toolbox raw setting display',
                tabs: [
                        title: '',
                        tooltip: '',
                        content: `
                                <textarea class="tb-input tb-edit-settings" rows="20" cols="60" readonly></textarea>
                        footer: TBui.actionButton('Anonymize Settings', 'anonymize-settings'),
                cssClass: 'tb-raw-settings',

            const $editSettings = $('.tb-edit-settings');

            TBStorage.getSettings().then(settings => {
                $editSettings.val(JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2));

            $viewSettings.on('click', '.anonymize-settings', async () => {
                const anonymizedSettings = await TBStorage.getAnonymizedSettings();
                $editSettings.val(JSON.stringify(anonymizedSettings, null, 2));

        $settingsDialog.on('click', '.tb-old-settings .tb-help-toggle, .toggle_modules .tb-help-toggle', function () {
            const module = $(this).attr('data-module');

        // Sort the module list alphabetically
        const sortedModules = TBModule.modules.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
        for (const module of sortedModules) {
            // Don't do anything with beta modules unless this is a beta build
            if (!['beta', 'dev'].includes(TBCore.buildType) && module.beta) {

            // Don't do anything with dev modules unless debug mode is enabled
            if (!await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'debugMode', false) && module.debugMode) {

            // build and inject our settings tab

            let moduleHasSettingTab = false; // we set this to true later, if there's a visible setting
            const $tab = $(
                `<a href="javascript:;" class="tb-window-content-${module.id.toLowerCase()}" data-module="${module.id.toLowerCase()}">${module.name}</a>`,
            const $settings = $(`
                            <div class="tb-window-tab ${module.id.toLowerCase()}" style="display: none;">
                                <div class="tb-window-content">
                                    <div class="tb-settings"></div>
                                    <div class="tb-oldreddit-settings" style="display: none;">
                                        <h1>Settings below only affect things on old reddit</h1>

            $tab.data('module', module.id);
            $tab.data('help_page', module.id); // TODO: `module` and `help_page` are redundant, remove help_page

            const $body = $('body');
            const execAfterInject = [];

            // Handle module enable toggle
            if (!module.alwaysEnabled) {
                const name = module.id.toLowerCase();

                const $setting = $(`
                    <p id="tb-toggle_modules-${name}" class="tb-settings-p">
                        <label><input type="checkbox" id="${module.id}Enabled" ${
                    await module.getEnabled() ? ' checked="checked"' : ''
                }>Enable ${TBHelpers.htmlEncode(module.name)}</label>
                                <a class="tb-help-toggle" href="javascript:;" data-module="${module.id}" title="Help">?</a>
                        <a data-setting="${name}" href="javascript:;" class="tb-module-setting-link tb-setting-link-${name}  tb-icons">
                        ${module.oldReddit ? '<span class="tb-oldReddit-module">Only works on old reddit</span>' : ''}
                    <div style="display: none;" class="tb-setting-input tb-setting-input-${name}">
                        <input type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="[${name}](#?tbsettings=toggle_modules&setting=${name})"><br>
                        <input type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="https://www.reddit.com/#?tbsettings=toggle_modules&setting=${name}">

                // Add the setting in its place to keep ABC order
                let added = false;
                $settingsDialog.find('.tb-window-tab.toggle_modules .tb-window-content p').each(function () {
                    const $this = $(this);
                    if ($this.text().localeCompare($setting.text()) > 0) {
                        added = true;
                        return false;
                if (!added) {
                    $settingsDialog.find('.tb-window-tab.toggle_modules .tb-window-content').append($setting);

            // Handle module settings
            for (const options of module.settings.values()) {
                const setting = options.id;
                let $setting;

                // "enabled" will eventually be special, but for now it just shows up like any other setting
                // if (setting == "enabled") {
                //     continue;
                // }

                // hide beta stuff unless this is a beta build
                if (options.beta && !['beta', 'dev'].includes(TBCore.buildType)) {

                // hide debug stuff unless debug mode enabled
                if (options.debug && !await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'debugMode', false)) {

                // hide hidden settings, ofc
                // TODO: Tie to a specific setting rather than debug mode
                if (options.hidden && !await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'debugMode', false)) {

                // hide advanced settings, but do it via CSS so it can be overridden.
                let displaySetting = true;
                if (options.advanced && !await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Utils', 'advancedMode', false)) {
                    displaySetting = false;

                moduleHasSettingTab = true;

                // blank slate
                $setting = $(`<p  class="tb-settings-p" ${displaySetting ? '' : 'style="display:none;"'}></p>`);
                const title = options.description;
                let noWrap = false;

                // automagical handling of input types
                switch (options.type) {
                    case 'action': {
                        if (!options.event || !options.class) {
                        const event = options.event;

                        $setting.append(TBui.actionButton(title, options.class));

                        $body.on('click', `.${options.class}`, () => {

                    case 'boolean': {
                                $('<input type="checkbox" />').prop('checked', await module.get(setting)),
                            ).append(` ${title}`),
                    case 'number': {
                                $('<input type="number" class="tb-input" />').prop('min', options.min).prop(
                                ).prop('step', options.step).val(await module.get(setting)),
                            ).append(` ${title}`),
                    case 'array':
                    case 'JSON': {
                        const json = JSON.stringify(await module.get(setting), null, 0);
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        $setting.append($('<textarea class="tb-input" rows="3" cols="80">').val(json)); // No matter shat I do, I can't get JSON to work with an input.
                    case 'code': {
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                            $('<textarea class="tb-input" rows="25" cols="80">').val(await module.get(setting)),
                    case 'subreddit':
                    case 'text':
                    case 'list': {
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        $setting.append($('<input type="text" class="tb-input" />').val(await module.get(setting)));
                    case 'sublist': {
                        const mySubs = await TBCore.getModSubs(false);
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        $setting.append(TBui.selectMultiple.apply(TBui, [mySubs, await module.get(setting)]));
                    case 'map': {
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        $setting.append(TBui.mapInput(options.labels, await module.get(setting)));
                    case 'selector': {
                        const v = await module.get(setting);
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        const values = typeof options.values === 'function' ? await options.values() : options.values;
                            TBui.selectSingular.apply(TBui, [
                                v === undefined || v === null || v === '' ? options.default : v,
                    case 'syntaxTheme': {
                        $setting.find('select').attr('id', `${module.id}_syntax_theme`);
                    <textarea class="tb-input syntax-example" id="${module.id}_syntax_theme_css">
/* This is just some example code*/
body {
    font-family: sans-serif, "Helvetica Neue", Arial;
    font-weight: normal;

.md h3, .commentarea h3 {
    font-size: 1em;

#header {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #9A9A9A;
    box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 1px #B3C2D1;
/* This is just some example code, this time to demonstrate word wrapping. If it is enabled this line will wrap to a next line as soon as it hits the box side, if it is disabled this line will just continue creating a horizontal scrollbar */\n
                        execAfterInject.push(async () => {
                            // Syntax highlighter selection stuff
                            let editorSettings;
                            const enableWordWrap = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('Syntax', 'enableWordWrap', true);
                            $setting.find(`#${module.id}_syntax_theme_css`).each(async (index, elem) => {
                                // Editor setup.
                                editorSettings = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elem, {
                                    mode: 'text/css',
                                    autoCloseBrackets: true,
                                    lineNumbers: true,
                                    theme: await module.get(setting),
                                    extraKeys: {
                                        'Ctrl-Alt-F': 'findPersistent',
                                        'Ctrl-Space': 'autocomplete',
                                        'F11' (cm) {
                                            cm.setOption('fullScreen', !cm.getOption('fullScreen'));
                                        'Esc' (cm) {
                                            if (cm.getOption('fullScreen')) {
                                                cm.setOption('fullScreen', false);
                                    lineWrapping: enableWordWrap,

                            TBCore.catchEvent(TBCore.events.TB_SYNTAX_SETTINGS, () => {
                                setTimeout(() => {
                                }, 5);

                            $setting.find(`#${module.id}_syntax_theme`).val(await module.get(setting));
                            $body.on('change keydown', `#${module.id}_syntax_theme`, function () {
                                const thingy = $(this);
                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    editorSettings.setOption('theme', thingy.val());
                                }, 0);
                    case 'achievement_save': {
                        noWrap = true;

                        logger.debug('GENERATING ACHIEVEMENT PAGE');
                        const total = module.manager.getAchievementTotal();
                        const unlocked = module.manager.getUnlockedCount();

                        logger.debug(`  total=${total}`);
                        logger.debug(`  unlocked=${unlocked}`);

                        $setting = $('<div>').attr('class', 'achievements');
                        $setting.append($('<h1>').text('Mod Achievements'));
                        $setting.append($('<p class="tb-settings-p">').text(`${unlocked} of ${total} unlocked`));
                        $setting.append('<br />');

                        let save = await module.get(setting);
                        save = module.manager.decodeSave(save);

                        const $list = $('<div>').attr('class', 'achievements-list');
                        for (let saveIndex = 0; saveIndex < module.manager.getAchievementBlockCount(); saveIndex++) {
                            logger.debug(`  saveIndex: ${saveIndex}`);
                            for (let index = 0; index < module.manager.getAchievementCount(saveIndex); index++) {
                                logger.debug(`  index: ${index}`);
                                let aTitle = '???';
                                let aDescr = '??????';
                                let aClass = '';

                                // FIXME: Use a dedicated setting instead of just using debug mode
                                if (module.manager.isUnlocked(saveIndex, index, save) || debugMode) {
                                    const a = module.manager.getAchievement(saveIndex, index);
                                    aTitle = a.title;
                                    aDescr = a.descr;
                                    aClass = 'unlocked';

                                const $a = $('<div>').attr('class', `achievement ${aClass}`);
                                $a.append($('<p>').attr('class', 'title').html(TBStorage.purify(aTitle)));
                                $a.append($('<p>').attr('class', 'description').text(aDescr));

                    default: {
                        // what in the world would we do here? maybe raw JSON?
                        // yes, we do raw JSON
                        const json = JSON.stringify(await module.get(setting), null, 0);
                        $setting.append(`${title}:<br />`);
                        $setting.append($('<textarea rows="1">').val(json)); // No matter shat I do, I can't get JSON to work with an input.
                if (!noWrap) {
                    const moduleName = module.id.toLowerCase();
                    const settingName = setting.toLowerCase();
                    const linkClass = `tb-setting-link-${settingName}`;
                    const inputClass = `tb-setting-input-${settingName}`;
                    const redditLink = `[${setting}](#?tbsettings=${moduleName}&setting=${settingName})`;
                    const internetLink = `https://www.reddit.com/#?tbsettings=${moduleName}&setting=${settingName}`;

                        `&nbsp;<a ${
                            displaySetting ? '' : 'style="display:none;"'
                        } data-setting="${settingName}" href="javascript:;"" class="tb-setting-link ${linkClass} tb-icons">${TBConstants.icons.tbSettingLink}</a>`
                            + `&nbsp;<div style="display:none;" class="tb-setting-input ${inputClass}">`
                            + `<input  type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="${redditLink}"/><br>`
                            + `<input  type="text" class="tb-input" readonly="readonly" value="${internetLink}"/></div>`,

                    $setting = $('<span>').attr('class', 'setting-item').append($setting);
                    $setting.attr('id', `tb-${moduleName}-${settingName}`);
                    $setting.attr('data-module', module.id);
                    $setting.attr('data-setting', setting);

                    // TODO: somebody document this
                    $body.on('click', `.${linkClass}`, function () {
                        const $this = $(this);
                        const tbSet = $this.attr('data-setting');

                        const $inputSetting = $(`.tb-setting-input-${tbSet}`);

                        if ($inputSetting.is(':visible')) {
                        } else {
                            $inputSetting.show(function () {

                if (options.oldReddit) {
                    const $oldRedditSettings = $settings.find('.tb-window-content .tb-oldreddit-settings');
                } else {
                    $settings.find('.tb-window-content .tb-settings').append($setting);

            // if ($settings.find('input').length > 0) {
            if (moduleHasSettingTab) {
                // attach tab and content
                if (!await module.getEnabled()) {
                    $tab.attr('title', 'This module is not active, you can activate it in the "Toggle Modules" tab.');
                        '<span class="tb-module-disabled">This module is not active, you can activate it in the "Toggle Modules" tab.</span>',

                if (module.oldReddit) {
                    $settings.prepend('<span class="tb-module-disabled">This module only works on old reddit.</span>');
                if (module.sort) {
                    $tab.attr('data-order', module.sort.order);
                    // If the module specifies a sort, then we do that
                    if (module.sort.location === 'beforeModules') {
                        // Loop through the tabs above the modules list
                        $settingsDialog.find('.tb-window-tabs > *').each(function () {
                            const $existingTab = $(this);
                            if (module.sort.order < parseInt($existingTab.attr('data-order'), 10)) {
                                // We found a tab bigger than us! We should be before it.
                                // Break out of the loop since we're done.
                                return false;
                            } else if ($existingTab.is('div')) {
                                // We hit the module list! If it hasn't been added yet, add it here.
                                // Break the loop so we don't go into the bottom elements.
                                return false;
                    } else if (module.sort.location === 'afterModules') {
                        // Loop through the tabs below the modules list
                        let added = false;
                        $settingsDialog.find('.tb-window-tabs > div ~ a').each(function () {
                            const $existingTab = $(this);
                            if (module.sort.order < parseInt($existingTab.attr('data-order'), 10)) {
                                // We found a tab bigger than us!
                                added = true;
                                // We're added, so we don't need to continue
                                return false;
                        if (!added) {
                            // Not added yet? To the bottom we go.
                } else {
                    // Modules without a special sort just get added here

                // stuff to exec after inject:
                for (let i = 0; i < execAfterInject.length; i++) {
            } else {
                // module has no settings, for now don't inject a tab

            // we use a jQuery hack to stick this bind call at the top of the queue,
            // so that it runs before the bind call in notifier.js
            // this way we don't have to touch notifier.js to make it work.
            // We get one additional click handler for each module that gets injected.
            // NOTE: For this to work properly, the event delegate has to match the primary .tb-save handler (above)
            $settingsDialog.on('click', '.tb-save', () => {
                // handle module enable/disable on Toggle Modules first
                const $moduleEnabled = $(
                    `.tb-settings .tb-window-tabs-wrapper .tb-window-tab.toggle_modules #${module.id}Enabled`,
                TBStorage.setSetting(module.id, 'enabled', $moduleEnabled);

                // handle the regular settings tab
                const $settings_page = $(`.tb-window-tab.${module.id.toLowerCase()} .tb-window-content`);

                $settings_page.find('span.setting-item').each(function () {
                    const $this = $(this);
                    let value = '';

                    // automagically parse input types
                    switch (module.settings.get($this.data('setting')).type) {
                        case 'action':
                            // this never needs to be saved.
                        case 'boolean':
                            value = $this.find('input').prop('checked');
                        case 'number':
                            value = JSON.parse($this.find('input').val());
                        case 'array':
                        case 'JSON':
                            value = JSON.parse($this.find('textarea').val());
                        case 'code':
                            value = $this.find('textarea').val();
                        case 'subreddit':
                            value = TBHelpers.cleanSubredditName($this.find('input').val());
                        case 'text':
                            value = $this.find('input').val();
                        case 'list':
                            value = $this.find('input').val().split(',').map(str => str.trim()).clean('');
                        case 'sublist':
                            value = [];
                            $this.find('.selected-list option').each(function () {
                        case 'map':
                            value = {};
                            $this.find('.tb-map-input-table tbody tr').each(function () {
                                const key = escape($(this).find('input[name=key]').val()).trim();
                                const val = escape($(this).find('input[name=value]').val()).trim();

                                if (key !== '' || val !== '') {
                                    value[key] = val;
                        case 'selector':
                            value = $this.find('.selector').val();
                        case 'syntaxTheme':
                            value = $this.find(`#${module.id}_syntax_theme`).val();
                            value = JSON.parse($this.find('textarea').val());
                    module.set($this.data('setting'), value, false);

        // Lock 'n load
        $body.css('overflow', 'hidden');
export default TBModule;

 * An object representing a single setting. Additional properties may be used
 * for settings of different `type`s.
 * @typedef SettingDefinition
 * @prop {string} id The setting ID, used to get and set the setting's value
 * @prop {string} description A human-readable description
 * @prop {any} default The default value of the setting, or a function (possibly
 * async) that returns a default value
 * @prop {string} [storageKey] The storage key associated with the setting
 * @prop {boolean} [beta=false] If true, the setting will only show up when beta
 * mode is enabled
 * @prop {boolean} [debug=false] If true, the setting will only show up when
 * debug mode is enabled
 * @prop {boolean} [advanced=false] If true, the setting will only show up when
 * advanced mode is enabled
 * @prop {boolean} [hidden=false] If true, the setting will not be configurable
 * or visible to users (can be used for module-specific persistent storage)

/** A Toolbox feature module that can be enabled and disabled by the user. */
export class Module {
     * Defines a module.
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {string} options.name The human-readable name of the module
     * @param {string} options.id The ID of the module, used for storage keys
     * @param {boolean} [options.enabledByDefault=false] If true, the module
     * will be enabled on fresh installs
     * @param {boolean} [options.alwaysEnabled=false] If true, the module cannot
     * be disabled
     * @param {boolean} [options.beta=false] If true, the module will only show
     * up in beta builds
     * @param {boolean} [options.debug=false] If true, the module will only show
     * up when debug mode is enabled
     * @param {boolean} [options.oldReddit=false] If true, the module will be
     * marked as an Old Reddit-only module in the settings interface (does not
     * affect execution of the module's initializer)
     * @param {Array<SettingDefinition>} [options.settings=[]] Module settings
     * @param {Function} initializer The module's entry point, run automatically
     * when Toolbox loads with the module is enabled
    constructor ({
        id = name.replace(/\s/g, ''),
        enabledByDefault = false,
        alwaysEnabled = false,
        beta = false,
        debug = false,
        oldReddit = false,
        settings = [],
    }, initializer) {
        /** @prop {string} name The human-readable name of the module */
        this.name = name;
        /** @prop {string} id The ID of the module, used for storage keys */
        this.id = id;
         * @prop {boolean} enabledByDefault If true, the module will be enabled
         * on fresh installs
        this.enabledByDefault = enabledByDefault;
         * @prop {boolean} alwaysEnabled If true, the module cannot be disabled
        this.alwaysEnabled = alwaysEnabled;
         * @prop {boolean} beta If true, the module will only show up when beta
         * mode is enabled
        this.beta = beta;
         * @prop {boolean} debugMode If true, the module will only show up when
         * debug mode is enabled
        // debugMode, not debug, because `debug` is a logger function
        this.debugMode = debug;
         * @prop {boolean} oldReddit If true, the module will be marked as an
         * Old Reddit-only module in the settings interface (does not  affect
         * execution of the module's initializer)
        this.oldReddit = oldReddit;
         * @prop {Function} initializer The module's entry point, run
         * automatically when Toolbox loads with the module is enabled
        this.initializer = initializer;

        // Register settings
        /** @prop {Map<string, SettingDefinition>} settings Module settings */
        this.settings = new Map();
        for (const setting of settings) {
            this.settings.set(setting.id, {
                description: `(${setting.id})`,
                storageKey: `${id}.${setting.id}`,
                beta: false,
                debug: false,
                advanced: false,
                hidden: false,

        // Add logging functions
        Object.assign(this, TBLog(this));

     * Gets the value of a setting.
     * @param {string} id The ID of the setting to get
     * @returns {Promise<any>} Resolves to the current value of the setting
    async get (id) {
        const setting = this.settings.get(id);
        if (!setting) {
            throw new TypeError(`Module ${this.name} does not have a setting ${id} to get`);

        // TBStorage doesn't actually accept straight storage keys, so we have
        // to split the key into a module name and the rest of the key
        const mod = setting.storageKey.split('.')[0];
        const value = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync(mod, setting.storageKey.slice(mod.length + 1));

        // TODO: TBStorage should return `undefined` instead of `null` for unset
        //       settings, and this check should only be for `undefined`
        if (value == null) {
            if (typeof setting.default === 'function') {
                return setting.default();
            } else {
                return setting.default;
        return value;

     * Sets the value of a setting.
     * @param {string} id The ID of the setting to get
     * @param {any} value The new setting value
     * @returns {Promise<any>} Resolves to the new value when complete
    set (id, value) {
        const setting = this.settings.get(id);
        if (!setting) {
            throw new TypeError(`Module ${this.name} does not have a setting ${id} to set`);

        // TBStorage doesn't actually accept straight storage keys, so we have
        // to split the key into a module name and the rest of the key
        const mod = setting.storageKey.split('.')[0];
        return TBStorage.setSettingAsync(mod, setting.storageKey.slice(mod.length + 1), value);

     * "Starts" the module by calling its initializer.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when the initializer is completed
    async init () {
        // Read the current values of all registered settings
        const initialValues = Object.create(null);
        await Promise.all([...this.settings.values()].map(async setting => {
            initialValues[setting.id] = await this.get(setting.id);

        // Call the initializer, passing the module instance the settings
        await this.initializer.call(this, initialValues);

     * Check whether or not the module is enabled.
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Resolves to whether the module is enabled
    async getEnabled () {
        if (this.alwaysEnabled) {
            return true;
        return !!await TBStorage.getSettingAsync(this.id, 'enabled', this.enabledByDefault);

     * Enables or disables the module. This does not take effect until Toolbox
     * is reloaded.
     * @param {boolean} enabled True to enable the module, false to disable it
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Resolves to the new enable state
     * @throws {Error} when trying to disable a module that cannot be
    setEnabled (enable) {
        if (this.alwaysEnabled && !enable) {
            throw new Error(`Cannot disable module ${this.id} which is always enabled`);

        return TBStorage.setSettingAsync(this.id, 'enabled', !!enable);