
import $ from 'jquery';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';

import * as TBApi from './tbapi.ts';
import * as TBCore from './tbcore.js';
import * as TBHelpers from './tbhelpers.js';
import * as TBStorage from './tbstorage.js';
import {onDOMAttach} from './util/dom.ts';
import {reactRenderer} from './util/ui_interop.tsx';

import {showTextFeedback, TextFeedbackKind, TextFeedbackLocation} from './store/textFeedbackSlice.ts';

import store from './store/index.ts';
import {icons} from './tbconstants.ts';
export {icons};

const $body = $('body');

export const longLoadArray = [];
export const longLoadArrayNonPersistent = [];

// We don't want brack-buttons to propagate to parent elements as that often triggers the reddit lightbox
$body.on('click', '.tb-bracket-button', event => {

let subredditColorSalt;
let contextMenuLocation = 'left';
let contextMenuAttention = 'open';
let contextMenuClick = false;

(async () => {
    subredditColorSalt = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('QueueTools', 'subredditColorSalt', 'PJSalt');
    contextMenuLocation = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('GenSettings', 'contextMenuLocation', 'left');
    contextMenuAttention = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('GenSettings', 'contextMenuAttention', 'open');
    contextMenuClick = await TBStorage.getSettingAsync('GenSettings', 'contextMenuClick', false);

// Icons NOTE: string line length is ALWAYS 152 chars

export const logo64 =

export const iconBot =

/** Map of commonly used color names to CSS color values. */
export const standardColors = {
    red: '#FF0000',
    softred: '#ED4337',
    green: '#347235',
    lightgreen: '#00F51E',
    blue: '#0082FF',
    magenta: '#DC00C8',
    cyan: '#00F0F0',
    yellow: '#EAC117',
    softyellow: '#FFFC7F',
    black: '#000000',

/** @deprecated Use {@linkcode TextFeedbackKind.NEUTRAL} */
export const FEEDBACK_NEUTRAL = TextFeedbackKind.NEUTRAL;
/** @deprecated Use {@linkcode TextFeedbackKind.POSITIVE} */
export const FEEDBACK_POSITIVE = TextFeedbackKind.POSITIVE;
/** @deprecated Use {@linkcode TextFeedbackKind.NEGATIVE} */
export const FEEDBACK_NEGATIVE = TextFeedbackKind.NEGATIVE;

/** @deprecated Use {@linkcode TextFeedbackLocation.CENTER} */
export const DISPLAY_CENTER = TextFeedbackLocation.CENTER;
/** @deprecated Use {@linkcode TextFeedbackLocation.BOTTOM} */
export const DISPLAY_BOTTOM = TextFeedbackLocation.BOTTOM;

 * Generates HTML for a general button.
 * @param {string} text Raw HTML string rendered inside the button
 * @param {string} classes Extra text added to the button's `class` attribute
 * @returns {string}
export const button = (text, classes) => `
    <button class="tb-general-button ${classes}">${text}</button>

 * Generates HTML for an action button.
 * @param {string} text Raw HTML string rendered inside the button
 * @param {string} classes Extra text added to the button's `class` attribute
 * @returns {string}
export const actionButton = (text, classes) => `
    <button class="tb-action-button ${classes}">${text}</button>

 * Generate a popup.
 * @function
 * @param {object} options Options for the popup
 * @param {string} options.title The popup's title (raw HTML)
 * @param {object[]} options.tabs The tabs for the popup
 * @param {string} [options.footer] The popup footer (used for all tabs; if
 * provided, tab footers are ignored)
 * @param {string} [options.cssClass] Extra CSS class to add to the popup
 * @param {string} [options.meta] Raw HTML to add to a "meta" container
 * @param {boolean} [options.draggable=true] Whether the user can move the
 * popup
 * @param {string} [options.defaultTabID] If provided, the tab with this ID
 * will be displayed initially; otherwise, the first tab will be shown
 * @returns {jQuery}
export function popup ({
    cssClass = '',
    draggable = true,
    closable = true,
}) {
    // tabs = [{id:"", title:"", tooltip:"", help_text:"", help_url:"", content:"", footer:""}];
    const $popup = $(`
            <div class="tb-window ${draggable ? 'tb-window-draggable' : ''} ${cssClass}">
                ${meta ? `<div class="meta" style="display: none;">${meta}</div>` : ''}
                <div class="tb-window-header">
                    <div class="tb-window-title">${title}</div>
                    <div class="buttons">
                        <a class="close" href="javascript:;">
                            <i class="tb-icons">${icons.close}</i>
    if (tabs.length === 1) {
        // We don't use template literals here as the content can be a jquery object.
        $popup.append($('<div class="tb-window-content"></div>').append(tabs[0].content));
        $popup.append($('<div class="tb-window-footer"></div>').append(footer || tabs[0].footer));
    } else {
        const $tabs = $('<div class="tb-window-tabs"></div>');

        for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
            const tab = tabs[i];
            if (tab.id === 'undefined' || !tab.id) {
                tab.id = tab.title.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_');

            // Check whether this is the tab that will be shown first. If
            // defaultTabID is given, compare that to this tab's ID; otherwise,
            // just check if this is the first tab.
            const isDefaultTab = defaultTabID == null ? i === 0 : tab.id === defaultTabID;

            // Create tab button
            const $button = $(`
                    <a class="${tab.id}" title="${tab.tooltip || ''}">

            $button.click({tab}, function (e) {
                const tab = e.data.tab;

                // hide others

                // show current


            // Activate the default tab
            if (isDefaultTab) {


            // We don't use template literals here as the content can be a jquery object.
            const $tab = $(`<div class="tb-window-tab ${tab.id}"></div>`);
            $tab.append($('<div class="tb-window-content"></div>').append(tab.content));
            if (!footer) {
                // Only display tab footer if whole-popup footer not set
                $tab.append($('<div class="tb-window-footer""></div>').append(tab.footer));

            // Only show the default tab
            if (isDefaultTab) {
            } else {


        // If we have a whole-popup footer, add it underneath the tabbed portion
        if (footer) {
            $popup.append($('<div class="tb-window-footer"></div>').append(footer));

    if (draggable) {
        // Don't let people drag by the buttons, that gets confusing
        $popup.find('.buttons a').on('mousedown', e => e.stopPropagation());

    if (closable) {
        $popup.on('click', '.close', event => {

    return $popup;

export function drawPosition (event) {
    const positions = {
        leftPosition: '',
        topPosition: '',

    const $overlay = $(event.target).closest('.tb-page-overlay');

    if (document.documentElement.clientWidth - event.pageX < 400) {
        positions.leftPosition = event.pageX - 600;
    } else {
        positions.leftPosition = event.pageX - 50;

    if (document.documentElement.clientHeight - event.pageY < 200 && location.host === 'mod.reddit.com') {
        const topPosition = event.pageY - 600;

        if (topPosition < 0) {
            positions.topPosition = 5;
        } else {
            positions.topPosition = event.pageY - 600;
    } else {
        positions.topPosition = event.pageY - 50;

    if ($overlay.length) {
        const scrollTop = $overlay.scrollTop();
        positions.topPosition = event.clientY + scrollTop;

    if (positions.topPosition < 0) {
        positions.topPosition = 5;

    return positions;

export function switchOverlayTab (overlayClass, tabName) {
    const $overlay = $body.find(`.${overlayClass}`);

    const $tab = $overlay.find(`[data-module="${tabName}"]`);

    $overlay.find('.tb-window-tabs a').removeClass('active');

    $('.tb-window .tb-window-tab').hide();
    $(`.tb-window .tb-window-tab.${tabName}`).show();

 * Generates an overlay containing a single large window.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {string} options.title The title of the window
 * @param {object[]} options.tabs An array of tab objects
 * @param {string} [options.buttons] Additional buttons to add to the window's
 * header as an HTML string
 * @param {string} [options.footer] If provided, a single footer to use for all
 * tabs rather than relying on the footer data from each provided tab object
 * @param {object} [options.details] An object of metadata attached to the
 * overlay, where each key:val of the object is mapped to a `data-key="val"`
 * attribute
 * @param {'vertical' | 'horizontal'} [options.tabOrientation='vertical']
 * Orientation of the tab bar
export function overlay ({
    buttons = '',
    tabOrientation = 'vertical',
}) {
    // If we have React components as tab contents, wrap them in renderers
    tabs.forEach(tab => {
        if (typeof tab.content === 'string' || tab.content instanceof $ || tab.content instanceof Element) {
            // This is a normal thing we can pass to jQuery append no problem
        // This is some special React stuff
        tab.content = reactRenderer(tab.content);

    // tabs = [{id:"", title:"", tooltip:"", help_page:"", content:"", footer:""}];
    const $overlay = $(`
        <div class="tb-page-overlay">
            <div class="tb-window tb-window-large ${tabOrientation === 'vertical' ? 'tb-window-vertical-tabs' : ''}">
                <div class="tb-window-header">
                    <div class="tb-window-title">${title}</div>
                    <div class="buttons">
                        <a class="close" href="javascript:;">
                            <i class="tb-icons">${icons.close}</i>

    if (details) {
        Object.entries(details).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            $overlay.attr(`data-${key}`, value);

    // we need a way to handle closing the overlay with a default, but also with use-specific cleanup code to run
    // NOTE: Click handler binds should be attached to the parent element of the relevant object, not $(body).
    // $overlay.on('click', '.buttons .close', function () {});
    if (tabs.length === 1) {
        $overlay.find('.tb-window').append($('<div class="tb-window-content"></div>').append(tabs[0].content));
        $overlay.find('.tb-window').append($('<div class="tb-window-footer"></div>').append(footer ?? tabs[0].footer));
    } else if (tabs.length > 1) {
        $overlay.find('.tb-window').append($('<div class="tb-window-tabs"></div>'));
        $overlay.find('.tb-window').append($('<div class="tb-window-tabs-wrapper"></div>'));

        for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
            const tab = tabs[i];

            tab.disabled = typeof tab.disabled === 'boolean' ? tab.disabled : false;
            tab.help_page = typeof tab.help_page !== 'undefined' ? tab.help_page : '';

            if (!TBStorage.getSetting('Utils', 'advancedMode', false) && tab.advanced) {

            if (tab.id === 'undefined' || !tab.id) {
                tab.id = tab.title.trim().toLowerCase();
                tab.id = tab.id.replace(/\s/g, '_');

            const $button = $(
                `<a${tab.tooltip ? ` title="${tab.tooltip}"` : ''} ${
                    tab.id ? ` data-module="${tab.id}"` : ''
                } class="${tab.id}" >${tab.title} </a>`,

            $button.data('help_page', tab.help_page);

            if (tab.disabled) {
                $button.attr('title', 'This module is not active, you can activate it in the "Toggle Modules" tab.');

            // click handler for tabs
            $button.click({tab}, function (e) {
                const tab = e.data.tab;

                // hide others
                $overlay.find('.tb-window-tabs a').removeClass('active');

                // show current

                // Only hide and show the footer if we have multiple options for it.
                if (!footer) {




            const $tab = $(`<div class="tb-window-tab ${tab.id}"></div>`);
            // $tab.append($('<div class="tb-window-content">' + tab.content + '</div>'));
            $tab.append($('<div class="tb-window-content"></div>').append(tab.content));
            // individual tab footers (as used in .tb-config)
            if (!footer) {
                    $(`<div class="tb-window-footer ${tab.id}"></div>`).append(tab.footer),

                const $footer = $overlay.find(`.tb-window-footer.${tab.id}`);
                if (i === 0) {
                } else {

            // default first tab is active = visible; hide others
            if (i === 0) {

            } else {

            $tab.appendTo($overlay.find('.tb-window .tb-window-tabs-wrapper'));

    // single footer for all tabs (as used in .tb-settings)
    if (footer) {
        $overlay.find('.tb-window').append($('<div class="tb-window-footer"></div>').append(footer));

    return $overlay;

export function selectSingular (choices, selected) {
    const $selector = $(`
        <div class="select-single">
            <select class="selector tb-action-button"></select>
    const $selector_list = $selector.find('.selector');

    // Add values to select
    choices.forEach(keyValue => {
        const value = keyValue.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '_');
        $selector_list.append($('<option>').attr('value', value).text(keyValue));

    // Set selected value
    $selector_list.val(selected).prop('selected', true);

    return $selector;

export function selectMultiple (available, selected) {
    available = available instanceof Array ? available : [];
    selected = selected instanceof Array ? selected : [];

    const $select_multiple = $(`
                  <div class="select-multiple">
                      <select class="selected-list left tb-action-button"></select>&nbsp;<button class="remove-item right tb-action-button">remove</button>&nbsp;
                      <select class="available-list left tb-action-button"></select>&nbsp;<button class="add-item right tb-action-button">add</button>&nbsp;
                      <div style="clear:both"></div>
    const $selected_list = $select_multiple.find('.selected-list');
    const $available_list = $select_multiple.find('.available-list');

    $select_multiple.on('click', '.remove-item', e => {
        const $select_multiple = $(e.delegateTarget);
        $select_multiple.find('.selected-list option:selected').remove();

    $select_multiple.on('click', '.add-item', e => {
        const $select_multiple = $(e.delegateTarget);
        const $add_item = $select_multiple.find('.available-list option:selected');

        // Don't add the sub twice.
        let exists = false;
        $selected_list.find('option').each(function () {
            if (this.value === $add_item.val()) {
                exists = true;
                return false;

        if (!exists) {

    available.forEach(value => {
        $available_list.append($('<option>').attr('value', value).text(value));

    selected.forEach(value => {
        $selected_list.append($('<option>').attr('value', value).text(value));

    return $select_multiple;

export function mapInput (labels, items) {
    const keyLabel = labels[0];
    const valueLabel = labels[1];

    const $mapInput = $(`<div>
            <table class="tb-map-input-table">
                    <td class="tb-map-input-td-remove">remove</td>
            <a class="tb-map-input-add tb-icons tb-icons-positive" href="javascript:void(0)">${icons.addBox}</a></div>`);

    const emptyRow = `
            <tr class="tb-map-input-tr">
                <td><input type="text" class="tb-input" name="key"></td>
                <td><input type="text" class="tb-input" name="value"></td>
                <td class="tb-map-input-td-remove">
                    <a class="tb-map-input-td-remove" href="javascript:void(0)"></a>

    // remove item
    $mapInput.on('click', '.tb-map-input-remove', function () {

    // add empty item
    $mapInput.on('click', '.tb-map-input-add', () => {
        $(emptyRow).appendTo($mapInput.find('.tb-map-input-table tbody'));

    // populate items
    if ($.isEmptyObject(items)) {
        $(emptyRow).appendTo($mapInput.find('.tb-map-input-table tbody'));
    } else {
        Object.entries(items).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            const $item = $(`
                <tr class="tb-map-input-tr">
                    <td><input type="text" class="tb-input" value="${
            }" name="key"></td>
                    <td><input type="text" class="tb-input" value="${
            }" name="value"></td>
                    <td class="tb-map-input-td-remove">
                        <a class="tb-map-input-remove tb-icons tb-icons-negative tb-icons-align-middle" href="javascript:void(0)">${icons.delete}</a>
            $item.appendTo($mapInput.find('.tb-map-input-table tbody'));

    return $mapInput;

 * Displays a feedback message on the screen which disappears after a time. Only
 * one such message can be shown at a time, and calling this method will
 * overwrite any message currently being shown.
 * @param {string} feedbackText Message to display
 * @param {TextFeedbackKind} feedbackKind Nature of the message (positive,
 * neutral, negative) to affect the color of the message window
 * @param {number} [displayDuration] How long the message should be displayed
 * before being hidden, in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000. Pass `Infinity` to
 * force the message to never disappear unless dismissed with a
 * @param {TextFeedbackLocation} [displayLocation] The location on the screen
 * where the message should be shown - center screen is the default, but
 * long-lived messages can be moved to the bottom instead
export function textFeedback (
    displayDuration = 3000,
    displayLocation = TextFeedbackLocation.CENTER,
) {
        message: feedbackText,
        kind: feedbackKind,
        location: displayLocation,
    }, displayDuration));
// re-export related enums so they can be used without importing twice
// TODO: needing to do this kind of thing probably indicates we should structure
// our source folders better - e.g. putting all the things related to text
// feedback in a single `features/textFeedback` folder with an aggregated-export
// `index.js` that's friendly for consumers
export {TextFeedbackKind, TextFeedbackLocation};

// Our awesome long load spinner that ended up not being a spinner at all. It will attend the user to ongoing background operations with a warning when leaving the page.
export function longLoadSpinner (createOrDestroy, feedbackText, feedbackKind, feedbackDuration, displayLocation) {
    if (createOrDestroy !== undefined) {
        // if requested and the element is not present yet
        if (createOrDestroy && longLoadArray.length === 0) {
            $('head').append(`<style id="tb-long-load-style">
                .mod-toolbox-rd #tb-bottombar, .mod-toolbox-rd #tb-bottombar-hidden {
                    bottom: 10px !important

                `<div id="tb-loading-stuff"><span class="tb-loading-content"><img src="${
                }" alt="loading"> <span class="tb-loading-text">${TBCore.RandomFeedback}</span></span></div>`,
            $body.append('<div id="tb-loading"></div>');

            const $randomFeedbackWindow = $body.find('#tb-loading-stuff');
            const randomFeedbackLeftMargin = $randomFeedbackWindow.outerWidth() / 2;
            const randomFeedbackTopMargin = $randomFeedbackWindow.outerHeight() / 2;

                'margin-left': `-${randomFeedbackLeftMargin}px`,
                'margin-top': `-${randomFeedbackTopMargin}px`,


            // if requested and the element is already present
        } else if (createOrDestroy && longLoadArray.length > 0) {

            // if done and the only instance
        } else if (!createOrDestroy && longLoadArray.length === 1) {

            // if done but other process still running
        } else if (!createOrDestroy && longLoadArray.length > 1) {

        // Support for text feedback removing the need to fire two function calls from a module.
        if (feedbackText !== undefined && feedbackKind !== undefined) {
            textFeedback(feedbackText, feedbackKind, feedbackDuration, displayLocation);

// Our awesome long load spinner that ended up not being a spinner at all. It will attend the user to ongoing background operations, this variant will NOT warn when you leave the page.
export function longLoadNonPersistent (createOrDestroy, feedbackText, feedbackKind, feedbackDuration, displayLocation) {
    if (createOrDestroy !== undefined) {
        // if requested and the element is not present yet
        if (createOrDestroy && longLoadArrayNonPersistent.length === 0) {
            $('head').append(`<style id="tb-long-load-style-non-persistent">
                .mod-toolbox-rd #tb-bottombar, .mod-toolbox-rd #tb-bottombar-hidden {
                    bottom: 10px !important

            $body.append('<div id="tb-loading-non-persistent"></div>');


            // if requested and the element is already present
        } else if (createOrDestroy && longLoadArrayNonPersistent.length > 0) {

            // if done and the only instance
        } else if (!createOrDestroy && longLoadArrayNonPersistent.length === 1) {

            // if done but other process still running
        } else if (!createOrDestroy && longLoadArrayNonPersistent.length > 1) {

        // Support for text feedback removing the need to fire two function calls from a module.
        if (feedbackText !== undefined && feedbackKind !== undefined) {
            textFeedback(feedbackText, feedbackKind, feedbackDuration, displayLocation);

export function beforeunload () {
    if (longLoadArray.length > 0) {
        return 'toolbox is still busy!';

let contextTimeout;

 * Add or remove a menu element to the context aware menu. Makes the menu
 * shows if it was empty before adding, hides menu if it is empty after removing.
 * @function
 * @param {string} triggerId This will be part of the id given to the element.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {boolean} options.addTrigger Indicates of the menu item needs to
 * be added or removed.
 * @param {string} options.triggerText Text displayed in menu. Not needed
 * when addTrigger is false.
 * @param {string} options.triggerIcon The material icon that needs to be
 * displayed before the menu item. Defaults to 'label'
 * @param {string} options.title Title to be used in title attribute. If no
 * title is given the triggerText will be used.
 * @param {object} options.dataAttributes Any data attribute that might be
 * needed. Object keys will be used as the attribute name and value as value.
export function contextTrigger (triggerId, options) {
    // We really don't need two context menus side by side.
    if (TBCore.isEmbedded) {
    const addTrigger = options.addTrigger;
    // These elements we will need in the future.
    let $tbContextMenu = $body.find('#tb-context-menu');
    if (!$tbContextMenu.length) {
        // Toolbox context action menu.
        $tbContextMenu = $(`
                <div id="tb-context-menu" class="show-context-${contextMenuLocation}">
                    <div id="tb-context-menu-wrap">
                        <div id="tb-context-header">Toolbox context menu</div>
                        <ul id="tb-context-menu-list"></ul>
                    <i class="tb-icons tb-context-arrow" href="javascript:void(0)">${
            contextMenuLocation === 'left' ? icons.arrowRight : icons.arrowLeft

        if (contextMenuClick) {

            $tbContextMenu.on('click', () => {
                if ($tbContextMenu.hasClass('open')) {
                } else {
        } else {
    const $tbContextMenuList = $body.find('#tb-context-menu-list');
    // We are adding a menu item.
    if (addTrigger) {
        const triggerText = options.triggerText;
        let triggerIcon = 'label';
        if (options.triggerIcon) {
            triggerIcon = options.triggerIcon;

        const title = options.triggerText;

        // Check if there are currently items in the menu.
        const lengthBeforeAdd = $tbContextMenuList.find('li').length;

        // Build the new menu item.
        const $newMenuItem = $(`
                <li id="${triggerId}" title="${title}">
                    <i class="tb-icons">${triggerIcon}</i>

        // Add data attributes if needed.
        if (options.dataAttributes) {
            Object.entries(options.dataAttributes).forEach(([name, value]) => {
                $newMenuItem.attr(`data-${name}`, value);

        const $checkExists = $tbContextMenuList.find(`#${triggerId}`);

        // Check if an item with the same id is already in the menu. If so we will replace it.
        if ($checkExists.length) {
        } else {
            // Add the item to the menu.

            // We are going a bit annoying here to draw attention to the fact that there is a new item in the menu.
            // The alternative would be to always show the entire menu.
            contextTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
            }, contextMenuAttention === 'fade' ? 6000 : 1000);

        // If the menu was empty it was hidden and we need to show it.
        if (!lengthBeforeAdd) {
    } else {
        // We are removing a menu item.
        // Check the new menu length
        const newLength = $tbContextMenuList.find('li').length;
        // If there is nothing to show anymore we hide the menu.
        if (newLength < 1) {

 * Handles toolbox generated `thing` items as they become visible in the viewport.
 * @function
 * @param {IntersectionObserverEntry[]} entries
 * @param {IntersectionObserver} observer
function handleTBThings (entries, observer) {
    entries.forEach(entry => {
        // The observer fires for everything on page load.
        // This makes sure that we really only act on those items that are visible.
        if (!entry.isIntersecting) {

        // Element is visible, we only want to handle it once. Stop observing.
        const $element = $(entry.target);

        if ($element.hasClass('tb-comment')) {
            const $jsApiPlaceholderComment = $element.find('> .tb-comment-entry > .tb-jsapi-comment-container');
            $jsApiPlaceholderComment.append('<span data-name="toolbox">');
            const jsApiPlaceholderComment = $jsApiPlaceholderComment[0];
            const $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor = $element.find(
                '> .tb-comment-entry > .tb-tagline .tb-jsapi-author-container',
            const jsApiPlaceholderAuthor = $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor[0];
            $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor.append('<span data-name="toolbox">');
            const commentAuthor = $element.attr('data-comment-author');
            const postID = $element.attr('data-comment-post-id');
            const commentID = $element.attr('data-comment-id');
            const subredditName = $element.attr('data-subreddit');
            const subredditType = $element.attr('data-subreddit-type');

            // Comment
            if (!$jsApiPlaceholderComment.hasClass('tb-frontend-container')) {
                const detailObject = {
                    type: 'TBcomment',
                    data: {
                        author: commentAuthor,
                        post: {
                            id: postID,
                        id: commentID,
                        subreddit: {
                            name: subredditName,
                            type: subredditType,
                const tbRedditEventComment = new CustomEvent('tbReddit', {detail: detailObject});
            // Author
            // We don't want to send events for things already handled.
            if (!$jsApiPlaceholderAuthor.hasClass('tb-frontend-container')) {
                const detailObject = {
                    type: 'TBcommentAuthor',
                    data: {
                        author: commentAuthor,
                        post: {
                            id: postID,
                        comment: {
                            id: commentID,
                        subreddit: {
                            name: subredditName,
                            type: subredditType,
                const tbRedditEventAuthor = new CustomEvent('tbReddit', {detail: detailObject});

        if ($element.hasClass('tb-submission')) {
            const $jsApiPlaceholderSubmission = $element.find('.tb-jsapi-submission-container');
            $jsApiPlaceholderSubmission.append('<span data-name="toolbox">');
            const jsApiPlaceholderSubmission = $jsApiPlaceholderSubmission[0];
            const $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor = $element.find('.tb-jsapi-author-container');
            $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor.append('<span data-name="toolbox">');
            const jsApiPlaceholderAuthor = $jsApiPlaceholderAuthor[0];

            const submissionAuthor = $element.attr('data-submission-author');
            const postID = $element.attr('data-post-id');
            const subredditName = $element.attr('data-subreddit');
            const subredditType = $element.attr('data-subreddit-type');

            if (!$jsApiPlaceholderSubmission.hasClass('tb-frontend-container')) {
                const detailObject = {
                    type: 'TBpost',
                    data: {
                        author: submissionAuthor,
                        id: postID,
                        permalink: `https://www.reddit.com/r/${subredditName}/comments/${postID.substring(3)}/`,
                        subreddit: {
                            name: subredditName,
                            type: subredditType,

                const tbRedditEventSubmission = new CustomEvent('tbReddit', {detail: detailObject});
            // We don't want to send events for things already handled.
            if (!$jsApiPlaceholderAuthor.hasClass('tb-frontend-container')) {
                const detailObject = {
                    type: 'TBpostAuthor',
                    data: {
                        author: submissionAuthor,
                        post: {
                            id: postID,
                        subreddit: {
                            name: subredditName,
                            type: subredditType,
                const tbRedditEventAuthor = new CustomEvent('tbReddit', {detail: detailObject});

const viewportObserver = new IntersectionObserver(handleTBThings, {
    rootMargin: '200px',
 * Will send out events similar to the reddit jsAPI events for the elements given.
 * Only support 'comment' for now and will only send the commentAuthor event.
 * @function
 * @param {object} $elements jquery object containing the elements for which jsAPI events need to be send.
export function tbRedditEvent ($elements) {
    // $elements can also be a parent container, so we find our things first.
    const $tbThings = $elements.find('.tb-thing');
    $tbThings.each(function () {

 * Will build a submission entry given a reddit API submission object.
 * @function
 * @param {object} submission reddit API submission object.
 * @param {object} submissionOptions object denoting what needs to be included.
 * @returns {object} jquery object with the build submission.
export function makeSubmissionEntry (submission, submissionOptions) {
    // Misc
    const canModsubmission = submission.data.can_mod_post;

    // submission basis (author, body, time)
    const submissionAuthor = submission.data.author;
    const submissionSelfTextHTML = TBStorage.purify(submission.data.selftext_html); // html string
    const submissionCreatedUTC = submission.data.created_utc; // unix epoch
    const submissionPermalink = TBCore.link(submission.data.permalink);
    const submissionSubreddit = submission.data.subreddit;
    const submissionSubredditType = submission.data.subreddit_type;
    const submissionName = submission.data.name;
    const submissionUrl = submission.data.is_self ? TBCore.link(submission.data.permalink) : submission.data.url;
    const submissionTitle = submission.data.title;
    const submissionThumbnail = submission.data.thumbnail;
    const submissionDomain = submission.data.domain;

    // submission details
    const submissionScore = submission.data.score; // integer
    const submissionLikes = submission.data.likes; // boolean or null
    const submissionIsSelf = submission.data.is_self;
    const submissionEdited = submission.data.edited;
    const submissionGildings = submission.data.gildings;
    const submissionPinned = submission.data.pinned;
    const submissionLocked = submission.data.locked;
    const submissionOver18 = submission.data.over_18;
    const submissionNumComments = submission.data.num_comments;
    const submissionUserReports = submission.data.user_reports; // array with reports by users

    // submission details - mod related
    const submissionDistinguished = submission.data.distinguished; // string containing "moderator" or "admin"
    const submissionModReports = submission.data.mod_reports; // array with reports by mods

    // Author details
    const submissionIsSubmitter = submission.data.is_submitter; // boolean - is OP

    // submission status - mod action
    const submissionApproved = submission.data.approved; // boolean
    const submissionApprovedAtUTC = submission.data.approved_at_utc; // unix epoch
    const submissionApprovedBy = submission.data.approved_by; // unix epoch
    const submissionSpam = submission.data.spam; // boolean
    const submissionRemoved = submission.data.removed; // boolean
    const submissionBannedAtUTC = submission.data.banned_at_utc; // unix epoch
    const submissionBannedBy = submission.data.banned_by; // Mod that removed the submission
    const submissionIgnoreReports = submission.data.ignore_reports; // boolean
    const submissionBanNote = submission.data.ban_note;

    // Format the submission datetime nicely
    const createdAt = new Date(submissionCreatedUTC * 1000);

    // vote status
    let voteState = 'neutral';
    if (submissionLikes !== null && !submissionLikes) {
        voteState = 'disliked';
    } else if (submissionLikes) {
        voteState = 'liked';
    // Let's figure out what the current state is of the submission (approved, removed, spammed or neutral)
    let submissionStatus;
    let submissionStatusUTC;
    let submissionStatusReadableUTC;
    let submissionStatusBy;
    let submissionActionByOn;

    if (submissionSpam) {
        submissionStatus = 'spammed';
        submissionStatusUTC = submissionBannedAtUTC;
        submissionStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(submissionStatusUTC);
        submissionStatusBy = submissionBannedBy;
        submissionActionByOn = `by ${submissionStatusBy} on ${submissionStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (submissionRemoved) {
        submissionStatus = 'removed';
        submissionStatusUTC = submissionBannedAtUTC;
        submissionStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(submissionStatusUTC);
        submissionStatusBy = submissionBannedBy;
        submissionActionByOn = `by ${submissionStatusBy} on ${submissionStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (submissionApproved) {
        submissionStatus = 'approved';
        submissionStatusUTC = submissionApprovedAtUTC;
        submissionStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(submissionStatusUTC);
        submissionStatusBy = submissionApprovedBy;
        submissionActionByOn = `by ${submissionStatusBy} on ${submissionStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (submissionBanNote && !submissionSpam && !submissionRemoved && !submissionApproved) {
        submissionStatus = 'removed';
        submissionStatusUTC = submissionBannedAtUTC;
        submissionStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(submissionStatusUTC);
        submissionStatusBy = submissionBannedBy;
        submissionActionByOn = `${
            submissionStatusBy ? `by ${submissionStatusBy}` : ''
        } on ${submissionStatusReadableUTC} [${submissionBanNote}]`;
    } else {
        submissionStatus = 'neutral';

    // Let's figure out what sort of attributes we need to give the OP if any.
    let authorStatus = 'tb-regular';
    const authorAttributes = [];
    if (submissionIsSubmitter) {
        authorStatus = 'tb-submitter';
        authorAttributes.push(`<a class="tb-submitter" title="submitter" href="${submissionPermalink}">S</a>`);
    if (submissionDistinguished) {
        authorStatus = `tb-${submissionDistinguished}`;
        if (submissionDistinguished === 'admin') {
            authorAttributes.push('<span class="tb-admin" title="reddit admin, speaking officially">A</span>');
        } else if (submissionDistinguished === 'moderator') {
                `<a class="tb-moderator" title="moderator of /r/${submissionSubreddit}, speaking officially" href="${
        } else {
                `<a class="tb-unknown" title="Unknown distinguish type ${submissionDistinguished}">${submissionDistinguished}</a>`,

    let commentsButtonText = 'comment';
    if (submissionNumComments === 1) {
        commentsButtonText = '1 comment';
    } else if (submissionNumComments > 1) {
        commentsButtonText = `${submissionNumComments} comments`;

    const $buildsubmission = $(`
            <div class="tb-submission tb-thing ${submissionStatus} ${
        submissionPinned ? 'pinned' : ''
    }" data-submission-author="${submissionAuthor}" data-fullname="${submissionName}" data-post-id="${submissionName}" data-subreddit="${submissionSubreddit}" data-subreddit-type="${submissionSubredditType}">
                <div class="tb-submission-score ${voteState}">${submissionScore}</div>
                <a class="tb-submission-thumbnail ${submissionOver18 ? 'nsfw' : ''}" href="${submissionUrl}">
            ? `<img src="${submissionThumbnail}" width="70">`
            : `<div class="tb-noImage-thumbnail">${submissionThumbnail}</div>`
                <div class="tb-submission-entry">
                    <div class="tb-submission-title">
                        <a class="tb-title" href="${submissionUrl}">${submissionTitle}</a>
                        <span class="tb-domain">
                            (<a href="${TBCore.link(`/domain/${submissionDomain}`)}">${submissionDomain}</a>)
        submissionIsSelf && submissionSelfTextHTML
            ? `<div class="tb-self-expando-button"><i class="tb-icons">${icons.add}</i></div>`
            : ''
                    <div class="tb-tagline">
                        submitted <span class="tb-submission-submitted"></span>
                        ${submissionEdited ? '<span class="tb-submission-edited">*last edited </span>' : ''}
                        by ${
        submissionAuthor === '[deleted]'
            ? `
            : `
                            <a href="${
            }" class="tb-submission-author ${authorStatus}">${submissionAuthor}</a>
                        <span class="tb-userattrs">${authorAttributes}</span>
                        <span class="tb-jsapi-author-container"></span>
                        to <a href="${TBCore.link(`/r/${submissionSubreddit}`)}">/r/${submissionSubreddit}</a>
        submissionPinned ? '- <span class="tb-pinned-tagline" title="pinned to this user\'s profile">pinned</span>' : ''
        submissionGildings.gid_1 ? `- <span class="tb-award-silver">silver x${submissionGildings.gid_1}</span>` : ''
        submissionGildings.gid_2 ? `- <span class="tb-award-gold">gold x${submissionGildings.gid_2}</span>` : ''
        submissionGildings.gid_3 ? `- <span class="tb-award-platinum">platinum x${submissionGildings.gid_3}</span>` : ''
                    <div class="tb-submission-buttons">
                        <a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-comments" href="${submissionPermalink}">${commentsButtonText}</a>
        submissionIsSelf && submissionSelfTextHTML
            ? `
                    <div class="tb-self-expando">
            : ''
                    <div class="tb-jsapi-submission-container"></div>

    // Add submission time

    // Indicate if item is edited
    if (submissionEdited) {
        const editedAt = new Date(submissionEdited * 1000);

    // Links in the provided post body might be domain-relative, which won't
    // work if we're in modmail; rewrite link hrefs as appropriate
    $buildsubmission.find('.tb-self-expando a').each(function () {
        this.setAttribute('href', TBCore.link(this.getAttribute('href')));

    // Now that we have the basic submission build we can go and add details where needed.
    // The two places where we will be adding data specific to the submission are either entry or the button list.
    const $submissionEntry = $buildsubmission.find('.tb-submission-entry');
    const $submissionButtonList = $buildsubmission.find('.tb-submission-buttons');

    if (submissionStatus !== 'neutral') {
            <div class="tb-submission-data">
                <ul class="tb-submission-details">
                    <li class="tb-status-${submissionStatus}">${submissionStatus} ${
            submissionActionByOn ? submissionActionByOn : ''

    // Let's see if we need to add reports starting with user reports
    if (submissionUserReports.length && !submissionIgnoreReports) {
        const $submissionUserReports = $(`
            <ul class="tb-user-reports">
                <li>user reports</li>

        submissionUserReports.forEach(report => {
            const userReport = `
                <li class="tb-user-report">
                        ${report[1]} :
    } else if (submissionIgnoreReports) {
        const $submissionIgnoredReports = $(`
            <span class="tb-ignored-user-reports">
                reports ignored (${submissionUserReports.length})

    // Now we do the same for mod reports.
    // Not sure how ignoring reports works in this context so better to be safe than sorry and just show them.
    if (submissionModReports.length) {
        const $submissionModReports = $(`
                <ul class="tb-user-reports">
                    <li>mod reports</li>

        submissionModReports.forEach(report => {
            const modReport = `
                    <li class="tb-mod-report">
                            ${report[1]} :

    if (submissionOver18) {
        $('<span class="tb-nsfw-stamp tb-stamp"><acronym title="Adult content: Not Safe For Work">NSFW</acronym></span>')

    // Now add mod action buttons if applicable.
    if (canModsubmission) {
        if (submissionStatus === 'removed' || submissionStatus === 'spammed' || submissionStatus === 'neutral') {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-approve" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">approve</a>`)

        if (submissionStatus === 'approved' || submissionStatus === 'neutral') {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-spam" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">spam</a>
                <a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-remove" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">remove</a>`)

        if (submissionLocked) {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-unlock" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">unlock</a>`)
        } else {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-lock" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">lock</a>`)

        if (submissionOver18) {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-unnsfw" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">un-nsfw</a>`)
        } else {
            $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-nsfw" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">nsfw</a>`)

        if (submissionStatus === 'removed' || submissionStatus === 'spammed') {
                action: 'tb-modqueue',
                subreddit: submissionSubreddit,
                thingName: submissionName,
                thingTimestamp: submissionCreatedUTC,
            }).then(result => {
                if (result) {
                    $(`<a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-spam" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">spam</a>
                        <a class="tb-submission-button tb-submission-button-remove" data-fullname="${submissionName}" href="javascript:void(0)">remove</a>`)
    if (submissionOptions && submissionOptions.subredditColor) {
        const subColor = TBHelpers.stringToColor(submissionSubreddit + subredditColorSalt);
        $buildsubmission.css('border-left', `solid 3px ${subColor}`);

    return $buildsubmission;

 * Will build a comment given a reddit API comment object.
 * @function
 * @param {object} comment reddit API comment object.
 * @param {object} commentOptions object denoting what needs to be included.
 * Object can contain 'parentLink', 'contextLink' and 'fullCommentsLink' as boolean.
 * @returns {object} jquery object with the build comment.
export function makeSingleComment (comment, commentOptions = {}) {
    // Misc
    const canModComment = comment.data.can_mod_post;

    // Comment basis (author, body, time)
    const commentAuthor = comment.data.author;
    const commentBodyHTML = TBStorage.purify(comment.data.body_html); // html string
    // commentMarkdownBody = comment.data.body, // markdown string
    // commentCreated = comment.data.created, // unix epoch
    const commentCreatedUTC = comment.data.created_utc; // unix epoch
    const commentDepth = commentOptions.commentDepthPlus ? comment.data.depth + 1 : comment.data.depth; // integer
    const commentLinkId = comment.data.link_id; // parent submission ID
    // commentId = comment.data.id, // comment ID
    const commentName = comment.data.name; // fullname t1_<comment ID>
    const commentParentId = comment.data.parent_id;
    const commentPermalink = TBCore.link(comment.data.permalink);
    const commentSubreddit = comment.data.subreddit;
    // commentSubredditNamePrefixed = comment.data.subreddit_name_prefixed,
    const commentSubredditType = comment.data.subreddit_type;
    // commentReplies = comment.data.replies, // object with replies

    // Comment details
    // commentScoreHidden = comment.data.score_hidden, // boolean
    const commentScore = comment.data.score; // integer
    const commentControversiality = comment.data.controversiality; // integer
    const commentEdited = comment.data.edited;
    const commentGildings = comment.data.gildings;
    // commentNumReports = comment.data.num_reports,
    const commentUserReports = comment.data.user_reports; // array with reports by users

    // Comment details - mod related
    const commentStickied = comment.data.stickied; // boolean
    const commentDistinguished = comment.data.distinguished; // string containing "moderator" or "admin"
    const commentModReports = comment.data.mod_reports; // array with reports by mods

    // Author details
    const commentAuthorFlairCssClass = comment.data.author_flair_css_class;
    const commentAuthorFlairText = comment.data.author_flair_text;
    const commentIsSubmitter = comment.data.is_submitter; // boolean - is OP

    // Comment status - mod action
    const commentApproved = comment.data.approved; // boolean
    const commentApprovedAtUTC = comment.data.approved_at_utc; // unix epoch
    const commentApprovedBy = comment.data.approved_by; // unix epoch
    const commentSpam = comment.data.spam; // boolean
    const commentRemoved = comment.data.removed; // boolean
    const commentBannedAtUTC = comment.data.banned_at_utc; // unix epoch
    const commentBannedBy = comment.data.banned_by; // Mod that removed the comment
    const commentIgnoreReports = comment.data.ignore_reports; // boolean

    // Comment status - other
    // commentArchived = comment.data.archived,
    // commentCollapsed = comment.data.collapsed,
    // commentCollapsedReason = comment.data.collapsed_reason,
    const commentBanNote = comment.data.ban_note;

    // Do we have overview data?
    let parentHtml;
    if (commentOptions.overviewData) {
        // `link_url` is the url to the linked content so can be anything for link posts.
        // For self posts reddit's api returns the full url including the subdomain the api request is done on.
        // As toolbox uses `old.reddit.com` for api calls this causes issues if we don't adjust for that.
        // One edge case we can't deal with is posts linking specifically to some parts of reddit on the `old` subdomain.
        let linkUrl = comment.data.link_url;
        if (comment.data.link_url.startsWith('https://old.reddit.com')) {
            // Rewrite url to be relative.
            linkUrl = linkUrl.replace('https://old.reddit.com', '');
            // Pass to `TBCore.link` to neatly deal with it.
            linkUrl = TBCore.link(linkUrl);

        const linkTitle = comment.data.link_title;
        const linkAuthor = comment.data.link_author;

        parentHtml = `
            <div class="tb-parent">
                <a class="tb-link-title" href="${linkUrl}">${linkTitle}</a>
                by ${
            linkAuthor === '[deleted]'
                ? `
                : `
                    <a class="tb-link-author" href="${TBCore.link(`/user/${linkAuthor}`)}">${linkAuthor}</a>
        } in <a class="subreddit hover" href="${TBCore.link(`/r/${commentSubreddit}/`)}">${commentSubreddit}</a>

    // Format the comment datetime nicely
    const createdAt = new Date(commentCreatedUTC * 1000);

    // If we want the permalink of the parent thread we simply remove the comment id from the comment permalink..
    const commentThreadPermalink = TBHelpers.removeLastDirectoryPartOf(commentPermalink);

    // Build a parentlink
    // Also determine if we are dealing with a top level comment.
    // let commentIsTopLevel = false;
    const commentParentKind = commentParentId.substring(0, 2);
    let commentParentLink;
    if (commentParentKind === 't1') {
        commentParentLink = commentThreadPermalink + commentParentId.substring(3);
        // commentIsTopLevel = true;
    } else {
        commentParentLink = commentThreadPermalink;

    // Let's figure out what the current state is of the comment (approved, removed, spammed or neutral)
    let commentStatus;
    let commentStatusUTC;
    let commentStatusReadableUTC;
    let commentStatusBy;
    let commentActionByOn;

    if (commentSpam) {
        commentStatus = 'spammed';
        commentStatusUTC = commentBannedAtUTC;
        commentStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(commentStatusUTC);
        commentStatusBy = commentBannedBy;
        commentActionByOn = `by ${commentStatusBy} on ${commentStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (commentRemoved) {
        commentStatus = 'removed';
        commentStatusUTC = commentBannedAtUTC;
        commentStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(commentStatusUTC);
        commentStatusBy = commentBannedBy;
        commentActionByOn = `by ${commentStatusBy} on ${commentStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (commentApproved) {
        commentStatus = 'approved';
        commentStatusUTC = commentApprovedAtUTC;
        commentStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(commentStatusUTC);
        commentStatusBy = commentApprovedBy;
        commentActionByOn = `by ${commentStatusBy} on ${commentStatusReadableUTC}`;
    } else if (commentBanNote && !commentRemoved && !commentSpam && !commentApproved) {
        commentStatus = 'removed';
        commentStatusUTC = commentBannedAtUTC;
        commentStatusReadableUTC = TBHelpers.timeConverterRead(commentStatusUTC);
        commentStatusBy = commentBannedBy;
        commentActionByOn = `${
            commentStatusBy ? `by ${commentStatusBy}` : ''
        }  on ${commentStatusReadableUTC} [${commentBanNote}]`;
    } else {
        commentStatus = 'neutral';

    // Let's figure out what sort of attributes we need to give the OP if any.
    let authorStatus = 'tb-regular';
    const authorAttributes = [];
    if (commentIsSubmitter) {
        authorStatus = 'tb-submitter';
        authorAttributes.push(`<a class="tb-submitter" title="submitter" href="${commentThreadPermalink}">S</a>`);
    if (commentDistinguished) {
        authorStatus = `tb-${commentDistinguished}`;
        if (commentDistinguished === 'admin') {
            authorAttributes.push('<span class="tb-admin" title="reddit admin, speaking officially">A</span>');
        } else if (commentDistinguished === 'moderator') {
                `<a class="tb-moderator" title="moderator of /r/${commentSubreddit}, speaking officially" href="${
        } else {
                `<a class="tb-unknown" title="Unknown distinguish type ${commentDistinguished}">${commentDistinguished}</a>`,

    // Nicely format if we are talking about point or points
    let commentScoreText;
    if (commentScore > 1 || commentScore < -1) {
        commentScoreText = `${commentScore} points`;
    } else {
        commentScoreText = `${commentScore} point`;

    let commentDepthClass;

    if (commentOptions.noOddEven) {
        commentDepthClass = commentDepth;
    } else {
        commentDepthClass = commentDepth % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';

    const commentOptionsJSON = TBHelpers.escapeHTML(JSON.stringify(commentOptions));
    // Let's start building our comment.
    const $buildComment = $(`
            <div class="tb-thing tb-comment tb-comment-${commentDepthClass}" data-thread-permalink="${commentThreadPermalink}" data-comment-options="${commentOptionsJSON}" data-subreddit="${commentSubreddit}" data-subreddit-type="${commentSubredditType}"  data-comment-id="${commentName}" data-fullname="${commentName}" data-comment-author="${commentAuthor}" data-comment-post-id="${commentLinkId}" >
                <div class="tb-comment-entry ${commentStatus} ${commentStickied ? 'tb-stickied' : ''} ${
        commentAuthorFlairCssClass ? `tb-user-flair-${commentAuthorFlairCssClass}` : ''
                    ${commentOptions.overviewData ? parentHtml : ''}
                    <div class="tb-tagline">
                        <a class="tb-comment-toggle" href="javascript:void(0)">[–]</a>
        commentAuthor === '[deleted]'
            ? `
            : `
                            <a class="tb-comment-author ${authorStatus}" href="${
            ? `<span class="tb-comment-flair ${commentAuthorFlairCssClass}" title="${commentAuthorFlairText}">${commentAuthorFlairText}</span>`
            : ''
        authorAttributes.length ? `<span class="tb-userattrs">[${authorAttributes.join(' ')}]</span>` : ''
                        <span class="tb-jsapi-author-container"></span>
                        <span class="tb-comment-score ${
        commentControversiality ? 'tb-iscontroversial' : ''
    }" title="${commentScore}">${commentScoreText}</span>
                        ${commentStickied ? '<span class="tb-comment-stickied">stickied</span>' : ''}
        commentGildings.gid_1 ? `<span class="tb-award-silver">silver x${commentGildings.gid_1}</span>` : ''
        commentGildings.gid_2 ? `<span class="tb-award-gold">gold x${commentGildings.gid_2}</span>` : ''
        commentGildings.gid_3 ? `<span class="tb-award-platinum">platinum x${commentGildings.gid_3}</span>` : ''
                    <div class="tb-comment-body">
                    <div class="tb-comment-buttons">
                            <a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-permalink" href="${commentPermalink}">permalink</a>
                    <div class="tb-jsapi-comment-container"></div>

    // Add submission time
    const $submittedTime = relativeTime(createdAt).addClass('tb-live-timestamp');
    $buildComment.find('.tb-comment-score').after(' ', $submittedTime);

    // Indicate if item is edited
    if (commentEdited) {
        const editedAt = new Date(commentEdited * 1000);
        const $edited = $('<span class="tb-comment-edited">*last edited </span>')
        $submittedTime.after(' ', $edited);

    // Links in the provided comment body might be domain-relative, which won't
    // work if we're in modmail; rewrite link hrefs as appropriate
    $buildComment.find('.tb-comment-body a').each(function () {
        this.setAttribute('href', TBCore.link(this.getAttribute('href')));

    // Now that we have the basic comment build we can go and add details where needed.
    // The two places where we will be adding data specific to the comment are either entry or the button list.
    const $commentEntry = $buildComment.find('.tb-comment-entry');
    const $commentButtonList = $buildComment.find('.tb-comment-buttons');

    // Add some data that is otherwise hidden.
    const $commentData = $(`
        <div class="tb-comment-data">
            <ul class="tb-comment-details">
                ${commentControversiality ? `<li> Controversial score: ${commentControversiality}.</li>` : ''}
    if (commentStatus !== 'neutral') {
            `<li class="tb-status-${commentStatus}">${commentStatus} ${
                commentActionByOn ? commentActionByOn : ''

    if ($commentData.find('li').length) {

    // Let's see if we need to add reports starting with user reports
    if (commentUserReports.length && !commentIgnoreReports) {
        const $commentUserReports = $(`
            <ul class="tb-user-reports">
                <li>user reports</li>

        commentUserReports.forEach(report => {
            const userReport = `
                <li class="tb-comment-user-report">
                        ${report[1]} :
    } else if (commentIgnoreReports) {
        const $commentIgnoredReports = $(`
            <span class="tb-ignored-user-reports">
                reports ignored (${commentUserReports.length})

    // Now we do the same for mod reports.
    // Not sure how ignoring reports works in this context so better to be safe than sorry and just show them.
    if (commentModReports.length) {
        const $commentModReports = $(`
                <ul class="tb-user-reports">
                    <li>mod reports</li>

        commentModReports.forEach(report => {
            const modReport = `
                    <li class="tb-mod-report">
                            ${report[1]} :

    // Now we move on to the buttons. Starting with the more general buttons depending on what the options tell us.
    if (commentOptions.parentLink) {
        const $parentLink = $(
            `<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-parent" href="${commentParentLink}">parent</a>`,

    if (commentOptions.contextLink) {
        const $contextLink = $(
            `<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-context" href="${commentPermalink}?context=3">context</a>`,

    if (commentOptions.contextPopup) {
        const $contextLink = $(
            `<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-context-popup" href="javascript:;" data-comment-id="${commentName}" data-context-json-url="${commentPermalink}.json?context=3">context-popup</a>`,

    if (commentOptions.fullCommentsLink) {
        const $fullCommentsLink = $(
            `<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-fullcomments" href="${commentThreadPermalink}">full comments</a>`,

    // Now add mod action buttons if applicable.
    if (canModComment) {
        if (commentStatus === 'approved' || commentStatus === 'neutral') {
            $(`<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-spam" data-fullname="${commentName}" href="javascript:void(0)">spam</a>
                <a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-remove" data-fullname="${commentName}" href="javascript:void(0)">remove</a>`)

        if (commentStatus === 'removed' || commentStatus === 'spammed' || commentStatus === 'neutral') {
            $(`<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-approve" data-fullname="${commentName}" href="javascript:void(0)">approve</a>`)

        if (commentStatus === 'removed' || commentStatus === 'spammed') {
                action: 'tb-modqueue',
                subreddit: commentSubreddit,
                thingName: commentName,
                thingTimestamp: commentCreatedUTC,
            }).then(result => {
                if (result) {
                    $(`<a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-spam" data-fullname="${commentName}" href="javascript:void(0)">spam</a>
                        <a class="tb-comment-button tb-comment-button-remove" data-fullname="${commentName}" href="javascript:void(0)">remove</a>`)

    if (commentOptions.subredditColor) {
        const subColor = TBHelpers.stringToColor(commentSubreddit + subredditColorSalt);
        $buildComment.css('border-left', `solid 3px ${subColor}`);

    return $buildComment;

 * Will build a comment given a reddit API comment object.
 * @function
 * @param {object} jsonInput reddit API comments object.
 * @param {object} commentOptions object denoting what needs to included.
 * Object can contain 'parentLink', 'contextLink' and 'fullCommentsLink' as
 * boolean.
 * @returns {object} jquery object with the build comment thread.
export function makeCommentThread (jsonInput, commentOptions) {
    const $commentContainer = $('<div class="tb-comment-children"></div>');

    jsonInput.forEach(comment => {
        let $childComments;

        if (comment.kind === 't1') {
            const $comment = makeSingleComment(comment, commentOptions);
            if (comment.data.replies) {
                $childComments = makeCommentThread(comment.data.replies.data.children, commentOptions);
        } else if (comment.kind === 'more') {
            const count = comment.data.count;
            const commentIDs = comment.data.children.toString();

                `<span class="tb-more-comments"><a class="tb-load-more-comments" data-ids="${commentIDs}" href="javascript:void(0)">load more comments</a> (${count} replies)</span>`,

    return $commentContainer;

 * Creates a jQuery element that displays paginated content provided by a
 * generator or other iterable, possibly asynchronous. Lazy loading is
 * supported.
 * @param {object} options Options for the pager
 * @param {boolean} [options.lazy=true] If `false`, the page iterable will be
 * iterated to completion immediately, and controls for all pages will be
 * visible from the start. If `true`, the pager will display a "next page"
 * button which loads new pages from the iterable one at a time until it is
 * exhausted.
 * @param {boolean} [options.preloadNext=true] If `true`, the iterable will be
 * iterated one page ahead in order to determine whether the current page is the
 * last one without additional interaction
 * @param {string} options.controlPosition Where to display the pager's
 * controls, either 'top' or 'bottom'
 * @param {string | JQuery | ReactNode} options.emptyContent Content to display if there are
 * no pages to show
 * @param {import('./util/iter.js').MaybeAsyncIterable<string | JQuery | ReactNode>} contentIterable
 * An iterable, possibly asynchronous, whose items provide content for each page
 * @returns {JQuery}
export function progressivePager ({
    lazy = true,
    preloadNext = true,
    controlPosition = 'top',
    emptyContent = '<p>No content</p>',
}, contentIterable) {
    // if we're not lazy, preloadNext is useless - don't do its extra work
    if (!lazy) {
        preloadNext = false;

    // Create elements for the content view and the pagination controls
    const $pagerContent = $('<div class="tb-pager-content"/>');
    const $pagerControls = $('<div class="tb-pager-controls"/>');

    // An array of all the pages that could be displayed
    const pages = [];
    // If true, the iterator is finished and there will be no more pages added
    let pagesDone = false;

    function makeButton (i) {
        // Create the button, translating 0-indexed to 1-indexed pages for human eyes
        const $button = $(button(i + 1, 'tb-pager-control'));
        $button.attr('data-page-index', i);

        // When the button is clicked, go to the correct page
        $button.on('click', () => {

        return $button;

    // If we're preloading stuff, wrap the iterable with the preload helper
    const iterable = preloadNext ? TBHelpers.wrapWithLastValue(contentIterable) : contentIterable;

    // we want to work with the iterator directly - we're doing fancy stuff
    const iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]?.() ?? iterable[Symbol.iterator]?.();
    if (!iterator) {
        throw new TypeError('contentIterable is not iterable');

    // Function to get the content of the given page
    async function getPage (i) {
        // If we already generated this page, return it
        if (i < pages.length) {
            return pages[i];

        // If the iterator is finished and we still don't have this page, don't
        // bother trying to fetch again
        if (pagesDone) {
            return undefined;

        // Advance the iterator from where it is now to the needed page
        for (let j = pages.length; j <= i; j += 1) {
            const {value, done} = await iterator.next();

            // If we hit the end of the iterator while advancing, mark that
            // we're done and return nothing
            if (done) {
                pagesDone = true;
                return undefined;

            // If we're preloading, we're dealing with a wrapper that lets us
            // also check if this the iterator is *about to* end
            if (preloadNext) {
                // Unwrap the value and push the page to the array

                // If the preloading wrapper tells us this is the last item,
                // mark that we're done
                if (value.last) {
                    pagesDone = true;
            } else {
                // Nothing else to check - push the page to the array

        // Return whatever we found - could be `undefined`
        return pages[i];

    // A function that refreshes the displayed buttons based on the selected page
    async function loadPage (pageIndex) {
        // Get the content for this page
        let pageContent = await getPage(pageIndex);

        // If we just tried to fetch a page and hit the end of the iterator
        if (pagesDone && pageIndex >= pages.length) {
            // If we have *no* pages, scrap everything and display a message
            if (!pages.length) {
                if (typeof pageContent === 'string' || pageContent instanceof $ || pageContent instanceof Element) {
                } else {

            // Display the last page - but continue with the update to
            // make sure the buttons are up-to-date
            pageIndex = pages.length - 1;
            pageContent = await getPage(pageIndex);

        // Display content for the new page
        if (typeof pageContent !== 'string' && !(pageContent instanceof $) && !(pageContent instanceof Element)) {
            // if the page content is a react element, drop it in a root
            const pageContentRoot = document.createElement('div');
            Promise.resolve().then(() => {
        } else {

        // Empty the existing buttons out, using .detach to maintain event listeners, then using .empty() to
        // remove the text left behind (thanks jQuery)

        let leftBound = 0;
        let rightBound = pages.length - 1;

        // If we have more than 10 pages, only display first and last buttons,
        // plus some around where we are now
        if (pages.length > 10) {
            leftBound = Math.max(pageIndex - 4, 0);
            rightBound = Math.min(pageIndex + 4, pages.length - 1);

        // Add all the buttons within the bounds
        for (let buttonIndex = leftBound; buttonIndex <= rightBound; buttonIndex += 1) {

        // Add the first and last page buttons, along with "..." between them and the other buttons if there's
        // distance between them
        if (leftBound > 1) {
        if (leftBound > 0) {
        if (rightBound < pages.length - 2) {
        if (rightBound < pages.length - 1) {
            $pagerControls.append(makeButton(pages.length - 1));

        // Include a button to load another page if we still can
        if (!pagesDone) {
            const $nextPageButton = makeButton(pages.length);
            $nextPageButton.text('load more...');
            $nextPageButton.attr('title', 'load next page');

        // Move selection to the correct button
        $pagerControls.children().toggleClass('tb-pager-control-active', false);
        $pagerControls.find(`[data-page-index="${pageIndex}"]`).toggleClass('tb-pager-control-active', true);

    // Construct the pager itself
    const $pager = $('<div class="tb-pager"/>');
    if (controlPosition === 'top') {
    } else if (controlPosition === 'bottom') {
    } else {
        throw new TypeError('Invalid controlPosition');

    // Set up initial display
    if (lazy) {
        // Load the first page
    } else {
        // Preload *every* page before displaying the first page
        (async () => {
            while (!pagesDone) {
                await getPage(pages.length);
            await loadPage(0);

    return $pager;

 * Creates a jQuery element that dynamically displays paginated content.
 * @param {object} options Options for the pager
 * @param {number} options.pageCount The number of pages to present
 * @param {string} options.controlPosition Where to display the pager's
 * controls, either 'top' or 'bottom'
 * @param {TBui~pagerCallback} contentFunction A function which generates
 * content for a given page
 * @returns {jQuery}
export function pager ({pageCount, controlPosition = 'top'}, contentFunction) {
    return progressivePager(
            lazy: false,
        (function* () {
            for (let i = 0; i < pageCount; i += 1) {
                 * @callback TBui~pagerCallback
                 * @param {number} page The zero-indexed number of the page to generate
                 * @returns {string | jQuery} The content of the page
                yield contentFunction(i);

 * Creates a pager over a dataset.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {any[]} items The items to display in the pager
 * @param {number} perPage The number of items to display on each page
 * @param {TBui~pagerForItemsCallback} displayItem A function that generates
 * content for each individual item in the dataset
 * @param {string} controlPosition Where to display the pager's controls,
 * either 'top' or 'bottom'
 * @param {string} [wrapper='<div>'] Used to provide custom wrapper markup for
 * each page of items
 * @returns {jQuery}
export function pagerForItems ({
    wrapper = '<div>',
}) {
    return pager({
        pageCount: Math.ceil(items.length / perPage),
    }, page => {
        const $wrapper = $(wrapper);
        const start = page * perPage;
        const end = (page + 1) * perPage;
        for (let i = start; i < end && i < items.length; i += 1) {
            $wrapper.append(displayItem(items[i], i));
        return $wrapper;

 * Creates a `<time>` element which displays the given date as a relative time
 * via `$.timeago()`.
 * @param {Date} date Date and time to display
 * @returns {jQuery}
export function relativeTime (date) {
    // create element
    const el = document.createElement('time');
    el.dateTime = date.toISOString();
    el.innerText = date.toLocaleString();

    // run timeago on the element when it's added to the DOM
    onDOMAttach(el, () => $(el).timeago());

    // return jQuery wrapped
    return $(el);

// handling of comment & submisstion actions.
// TODO make this into command pattern
$body.on('click', '.tb-comment-button-approve, .tb-submission-button-approve,  .tb-thing-button-approve', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.approveThing(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">approved</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-comment-button-remove, .tb-submission-button-remove, .tb-thing-button-remove', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.removeThing(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">removed</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-comment-button-spam, .tb-submission-button-spam, .tb-thing-button-spam', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.removeThing(fullname, true).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">spammed</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-submission-button-lock', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.lock(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">locked</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-submission-button-unlock', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.unlock(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">unlocked</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-submission-button-nsfw', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.markOver18(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">marked nsfw</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-submission-button-unsfw', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const fullname = $this.attr('data-fullname');
    TBApi.unMarkOver18(fullname).then(() => {
        $this.replaceWith('<span class="tb-actioned-button">unmarked nsfw</span>');
    }).catch(error => {
            `<span class="tb-actioned-button tb-actioned-error">${error || 'something went wrong'}</span>`,

$body.on('click', '.tb-comment-toggle', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const thisState = $this.text();
    const $comment = $this.closest('.tb-comment');

    if (thisState === '[–]') {
    } else {

$body.on('click', '.tb-load-more-comments', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const $thisMoreComments = $this.closest('.tb-more-comments');
    const commentIDs = $this.attr('data-ids').split(',');
    const commentIDcount = commentIDs.length;
    const $thisComment = $this.closest('.tb-comment');
    const threadPermalink = $thisComment.attr('data-thread-permalink');
    const commentOptionsData = $thisComment.attr('data-comment-options');

    const commentOptions = JSON.parse(commentOptionsData);
    // This is to make sure comment coloring still is correct.
    commentOptions.commentDepthPlus = true;
    let processCount = 0;
    longLoadSpinner(true); // We are doing stuff, fire up the spinner that isn't a spinner!
    commentIDs.forEach(id => {
        const fetchUrl = `/${threadPermalink}${id}.json?limit=1500`;
        // Lets get the comments.
        TBApi.getJSON(fetchUrl, {raw_json: 1}).then(data => {
            const $comments = makeCommentThread(data[1].data.children, commentOptions);
            window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {


            processCount += 1;
            if (processCount === commentIDcount) {

$body.on('click', '.tb-self-expando-button', function () {
    const $this = $(this);
    const thisState = $this.attr('data-state') || 'collapsed';
    const $selfText = $this.closest('.tb-submission').find('.tb-self-expando');

    if (thisState === 'collapsed') {
        $this.html(`<i class="tb-icons">${icons.remove}</i>`);
        $this.attr('data-state', 'expanded');
    } else {
        $this.html(`<i class="tb-icons">${icons.add}</i>`);
        $this.attr('data-state', 'collapsed');

// Misc.

/** Reloads the extension, then reloads the current window. */
export function reloadToolbox () {
    textFeedback('toolbox is reloading', TextFeedbackKind.POSITIVE, 10000, TextFeedbackLocation.BOTTOM);
    browser.runtime.sendMessage({action: 'tb-reload'}).then(() => {

// Utilities

export function getBestTextColor (bgColor) {
    if (!getBestTextColor.cache[bgColor]) {
        const textColors = ['black', 'white'];
        getBestTextColor.cache[bgColor] = tinycolor.mostReadable(bgColor, textColors).toHexString();
    return getBestTextColor.cache[bgColor];
getBestTextColor.cache = {};

// Trigger a prompt if the user tries to close the tab while we're doing things
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
    if (longLoadArray.length > 0) {
        return 'toolbox is still busy!';